Anyone here know what astroprojection is? My friend told me about it and she told me she heard it from her Wiccan friend. My own Wiccan friend is in Tawian right now, so I can’t ask her. Anyways, the friend who told me about astroprojection told me that it’s like taking your soul out of your physical body and moving it around with your hands. Freaky stuff. Can anyone tell me what it exactly is and how you could possibly to do this?
You mean astral projection. Here’s a big long thread on it:
An SDMB test of astral projection
I’m not going to say how I did it, but your original post is an example of my extraction astroprojection method. You didn’t post the message, I did.
It’s called astral projection. Google for it. There’s stuff all over the web. If you believe that sort of thing.
That big long thread linked to by Squink cries out for condensation, so I’ll volunteer.
Astral projection, or being able to travel outside your body and return, was proposed by one Doper, who said he had done it before and could do it again. But not overnight and not on demand. Challenged, he volunteered to be tested and Glee set up some objects on his desk for the challenger to fly by and report back on. Whenever. Dumdedum, we’re waiting…
After a year, the challenger admitted defeat, did not come up with any objects, and suggested that some of us that accused him of dreaming creatively might have been right all along.
But we’re still friends.
A Straight Dope Staff Report by one of Cecil’s minions, SDSTAFF Doug: Is it possible to do “astral traveling” while sleeping?
Oh, it’s astral projection. Hehe. I shall Google it and check out the SD columns. Thank you.
Actually, I like “astroprojection” better. Can I trademark that and sell tickets for virtual trips to Mars and points galactic?
Yes I feel your “soul” projecting into me … it’s… it’s like a wet bath cloth being shoved up my nose. I have this sudden urge for… Cheetos, suffusing my being.
Hehe, sure. But, can I get a 10% royalty?