Astronomy Picture of the Day Archive

Probably posted before but it’s a very cool site.

Tres groovy.

Awesome site!

Have you seen this one? It’s a night view of Earth taken from the Space Station on a perfect night, with no obscuring atmospheric

Now, you don’t really believe that do you? or is the world really flat after all?

(That graphic is a composition based on thousands of different photographs. The earth looks nothing like that.)

That picture wouldn’t have been taken on a perfect night, but on a number of them.

Quote from the site.

Still very cool. Any picture including my country definitely is. :wink: Thanks for posting the site’s link, Reeder and it’sjustme.

A true photo of our planet taken from space. View of the Earth seen by the Apollo 17 crew traveling toward the moon taken 12/07/72

The night composition is much more than just a collage of photographs and is more of an artistic interpretation because the data is distorted both in perspective and in color. it comes nowhere close to being anything one could consider a “photograph”.

Also, with that night-time view of earth…

Is the entire Earth engulfed by night at once? I think not.

Not to mention that it would have to have been dark everywhere on Earth at the time the “photo” was taken – which, I suppose, would only be possible if the world is flat.

Anyway, speaking of digital composites, there’s also a daytime version of the entire planet, and a cool one that shows the night/day terminator crossing Europe and North Africa.

As to the original photo that sparked this discussion, I cringe at the light pollution every time I see it.

Thanks ** sailor** and Ice Wolf. Obviously I didn’t put enough thought into what I wrote when describing that picture!:smack:
…and my IRL friends wonder why I won’t tell them my user name!:smiley:

That night-time composte is terrific. I can make out where I lived in Idaho. The total population in a ten mile area was about 10,000. Pretty nice definition there.

I really don’t think that night sky picture is a composite of photographs. It’s a map based on data from the DMSP satellite, which I do not believe has photographic capabilities. They used an instrument called the Operation Linescan System (OLS).

Reference: Cinzano, et al., MNRAS 2001. As beautiful as the picture is, this paper is really trying to make a point about light pollution. From the abstract: