At what point does bread become toast?

Just throwing it out there. Feel free to post about life’s other mysteries.

Golden brown and delicious.

The toast that can be toasted is not the eternal toast.

When it goes from soft to crunchy.

Three pounds of flax.

Putting bread in toaster “toast” does not make!


between 2 and 3 on the dial.


Soon as it ain’t no longer bread.

After you smear butter on it and it melts into the hot bread. Yum, hot buttery, toast.

Unless you are making pruno with it.

Don’t trust a toaster. They lie.

Bread becomes toast sometime between the time I put it in my toaster and the toaster ejects charcoal.

One of my favourite books - Toast!

As soon as Darth Vader’s head is seared into the bread.

Actually, when it goes from dry to crunchy.

You’ve got bread that’s all soft, then bread with a dried surface, then toast.

There is an art to making good toast–crunchy on the outside; soft in the middle.

Linus: You gonna make some toast? How about putting in a slice for me?
Lucy: Here you are.
Linus: Thank you very much. Hey! This is too light! It’s hardly singed! Surely you don’t expect me to eat raw toast!

Never according to Zeno’s toast paradox.

Until the toaster goes ding, the bread is simultaneously bread, toast, not bread, and not toast, all at the same time.

Will it have cat scratches on it?
