Atkins-y recipes

Anyone want to post low-carbohydrate recipes?

I’ve been keeping an eye on carbohydrates recently. Last night I made salmon. Now, I really, really like Soy Vay Very Very Teriyaki. Hm. Teriyaki. Sweet. I wonder how many carbs? Six per serving, a serving being one tablespoon. That’s not bad. And you don’t actually eat a whole serving, do you? Some if it ends up in the bottom of the foil. So I put a two-thirds pound skinless wild salmon filet on the foil and put three tablespoons of sauce on it. 18 grams of carbohydrates if I ate the whole thing and sucked up the drippings. (I ate the thinner half of the filet, and did not suck up the drippings!)

Okay, that’s not too high in carbohydrates. Nine grams? That brought my total up to 18-20 grams for the whole day. But now I have half of a filet leftover. What do I do with it?

A little while ago I shredded it in a bowl with a fork and added a tablespoon of mayonaise and mixed it up. Teriyaki salmon salad. It was good. If only I had some nice crisp lettuce!

Your recipes?

Try Linda’s low carb recipes
I really like her Spicy Spinch Chicken Casserole. I brought it to a potluck at work, and now I get requests to bring it to every potluck we have.