Attention computer experts

I have windows xp and on my “Run” menu, it has a drop-down box with everything in it that I’ve typed in the past. Is there any way to clear everything out of there so it can be a little more efficient. I have no idea how to do it.


Search Method: Google > “Windows XP” clear run history > - Clear Unwanted Entries from the Start Menu’s Run …

When I click on the main result at “”, it never comes up (It says "page cannot be displayed).

The other results on google are links to software I can buy to do the trick. Isn’t there just a simple way to clear it and be done?

This is a problem you can search for very easily I was moreover just trying to give you a hint as to how you could search.

Search Method 2: Google > “Windows XP” clear run menu history > Customizing Your PC with the Windows XP Registry

Listing 4

OK, thanks for your help alterego. I appreciate it.

I am computer-dumb. I have no idea how to do many things on a computer that most people probably find easy.

Also, poke around for “XP Power Toys” Find and install the program, and one one of the tabs is an option to clear the various histories (web, searches, documents, etc) at logoff.

“I am computer-dumb. I have no idea how to do many things on a computer that most people probably find easy.”

Under the start menu is the Support Center & it has answers to everything & then some :slight_smile:

OK, just to show you how stupid I really am…

Now that I got home to take care of this, I have no clue what to do with “Listing 4” as mentioned above. I am to save it.
I just right-clicked the link, saved it as Cleanmru.reg, double clicked it and it said “Cannot import…” then something about binary files…

Plus I downloaded the power toys and it’s only wallpaper tools.

Yes ladies and gentlemen, I am an idiot.


The specific utility you’re looking for is Tweak UI

Note regarding XP Powertoys …

Don’t use them anywhere near water and batteries not included.