Attention Pitizens....

I am about to delete I thread I locked earlier. The one started by Scottchier’s imitator.

Let it be known that I will be deleting any thread that is started by an obvious imposter or other blatant acts of sockpuppetry. If you all are one-tenth as bored as I am by these gastropods then I’m sure you will understand.

Deleting threads is an extreme measure, but these are extreme times. I’m not about to go crazy deleting posts here, I just want to delete the few that it would take to make posting not worth the troll’s time.

This is being done with the sanity of the SDMB posters in mind, so don’t be afraid to let me know what you think. Comments about or objections to this new policy of mine can be posted here or sent to

I know Pitizens are the thickest-skinned of all SDMBers, but I thank you for your patience anyway, ya nutjobs.


Go for it Alphagene .

Wipe this prick out .

Man, talk enforcing DNFTT.
No skin off my nose if you do or do not.


You are one of the coolest mods ever Alphagene. Thank you for taking care of the trolls/assholes that infest and pollute this wonderful forum :slight_smile:

I hpoe that my thread influenced you in some small way. Way to GO!!! :smiley:

You have my blessing, Alpha.

As if you need it.

Be ruthless. You will get nothing but support from the regs.

To shut someone up, cut the tongue out…or, for the digital equivilent, cut the fingers off.

Hey, Monster, in case I forgot to say so before, I think you’re an okay guy.

Hope you stick around.

We need you, man.

What’s it alllll aboutttt alphaaaaa…no wait that was alfie or something like that.

Anyway put the blade to em’ alphagene.

Do us a favour and don’t sing, aha.

You’ve inflicted enough pain on the unsuspecting populace.

When my dog hears “Western Union”, the pleading look in his eyes says, " Please put me down. I don’t want to live anymore."

I often wonder how many dogs you’ve murdered with that song.

Of course, they can hear notes that you sang that us mortals cannot hear.

Oh, relax, you camel felcher. This is the pit and I mean every word I say.

Why thank you, Wally…oh shit, this is the pit…here we go: Wally, I fart in your general direction. Your mother was a hamster, and your father smelt of elderberries.

Have you tested the effects of Five Americans on rats, hamsters, gerbils, and other assorted rodents yet? I bet they love it.

Wally, just for insulting a person as nice as aha, may you be visited by a thousand rodents squeeking the tune to Western Union in unison in their little rodent-like way. May Harley Davidson politely ask that you try to refrain from associating yourself with their products (and may said products be sold behind your back by you well meaning family members right here on the SDMB) because they are concerned with their image. May the road to happiness for you have spiderwebs strewn across it, so that strangers will laugh as you attempt to traverse it. May your daugher’s next date look like this

Oh, wait, I just remembered who aha is. Flame away. The sycophant could use some lessons in humility.

Damn, I need sleep. I’m sure you guys can guess where I stand on the issue of dealing with trolls in this manner.

All right, that’s it.

Wally gets my vote as best pit poster.

Alpha, Oh great & powerful, how about zapping the thread by the "evil"matt, and by “.”? PLEEEEZZZZE!!!

Well, shit. Aha said I could carry his guitar at his next gig. But if the tone around here is any indication, maybe I’d better not give notice at my regular job just yet.

Alphagene, bless you, go for it!

WaterSports2Jay said:

Get a fucking ticket and stand in line, you fucking gerbil squickers :wink:

All hail Alphagene, Slayer of Brainless Turds!

Ummm. I have a question. Since I posted in that thread, will I still get credit for that post in my post count even if it no longer exists?

If I do, and years from now scholars attempt to reconstruct the entire body of my work of posts for posterity (I’m sure the future will recognize the genius of my work here, though I am unappreciated in my own time) they will come up one post short. Critics and scholars will wonder and speculate about the famous “missing post.”

It will be your fault! Who are you to tamper with my art? Who are you to change the future? Should one man yield such awful power?
Then again:
“Wipe them out. Wipe them ALL out.”
-Darth Sidious

Wally you are just pissed because you can’t get 50 year old groupies.

Jealousy is such an ugly thing.

Which harmonizes nicely with your motorcycle’s moaning “Kill me…kill me…”

Hmmm. That would explain Wally’s fascination with throwing rodents on ceilings: his mom did it to him when he was a kid. It’s obviously a revenge thing.

It would also explain why he posts like he’s had multiple concussions.

  1. I was wondering about where the missing body of the dead gerbil went to! The Canadian Secret Service (Motto: we stick to criminals like maple syrup) was on the case, and the last I had heard they had finally found their own asses. But even the FBI wouldn’t have thought that some clog wearing pervert would have stolen the body too…“plug its dyke”.

  2. I know prostitution is legal in Amsterdam, but there has got to be a better way for you to make money.

  3. Christ. First “felching”, now “squicking”. Somebody please keep Coldfire away from the Perverted Terms Meetings!

Well, I don’t want to appear drunk with power, so I don’t want my new policy to work retroactively. And leaving the threads open would be a good exercise in DNFTT, anyway.

Osip makes a good point. I’m obviously not going to delete every thread that a troll pops up in, so an aggressive DNFTT protocol would help tremendously in the threads I’d rather not delete. If a thread becomes a troll’s attempt to get attention and nobody caves in, then it will be locked and it’ll sink like a stone.

Yes. Your post count should remain the same even if you posted in a thread that has been deleted.