Attention Smart Fellas... er, Fart Smellers

A couple of questions:

First, why do other people’s gaseous emissions smell worse than your own?

Second, I find myself sniffing when I hear my husband break wind. I get no pleasure from smelling his byproducts. In fact, I’m always relieved when I smell nothing. I really don’t think I’m perverted for doing this – Correct me if I’m wrong, though I doubt you need my prompting. I can’t quite put my finger on why I do this. Maybe because it’s either hold my breath for perhaps no reason (because of no smell) or catch a little whiff and then have to confirm what the odor is… or that the odor is at all.

And, no, I won’t pull your finger.

I think it’s all in your head. Everyone’s farts stink, but the notion of inhaling millions of tiny shit molecules from your own rectum is, relatively speaking, much more appealing than inhaling same from someone else’s rectum. You know where yours came from, but when it’s someone else’s job, you might be smelling fresh skid marks for all you know. I find that the less well I know the farter, the more grossed out I get. Worst possible situation: bums on public trasportation. Don’t wanna smell any bum farts.

Maybe you smell your husband’s farts because when you hear the sound, you know there’s a possibility it may stank and you may need to take evasive action. If it doesn’t smell, you can issue the all clear and forget about it.

Well, shoot, Buff, if you won’t pull my finger, why am I posting? [waiting for an answer] … [/waiting for an answer]

I’m with City Gent up to a point. It is all in your head, but in the same way that a tickle is. Folks are generally unable to tickle themselves, because the key to being the ‘ticklee’ lies in the concept of the tickler’s movements being unexpected or unanticipated. The relative rankness of a fart impinges on the ‘fartee’s’ senses inversely proportionally to the familiarity of the ‘fartee’ with the farter, and thus also to the expectedness of the fart. SBD’s are legendary not because of their reputed power, but because of their sheer sneakiness! You don’t anticipate 'em, and that makes their impact on arrival more intense and memorable.

I’m happy to see SD’ers addressing subjects of genuine import and substance for a change!

Gonna close this one and let you air it further in MPSIMS if you so choose! Jill