Attn circumcised: your mother is likely a sex offender

I’m the Dad; I didn’t tell the authorities that this horrific sexual abuse had occurred. Who am I, some kind of Joe Paterno?!? ::sobs::

What’s that Internet law about parody being indistinguishable from crazy?

If it is, he’s remarkably committed to that topic. I don’t want to wade through that thread again (the last time around was enough, thank you) but I’m pretty sure he was comparing circumcision to the removal of the clitoris and suggesting there was some kind of religious (Catholic?) brainwashing going on to keep guys from masturbating. Or something.

Poe’s Law.

And a perfect example: Conservapedia’s version.

AHH! T2BC is Jack Dean Tyler’s slightly less nutty brother.

Sorry if this is off-topic of this fascinating subject, but I notice from your link that Dr. Duane Gish consistently won his debates with evolutionists. You learn something new every day.

I was so afraid of committing rape on my son that I never even changed his diaper! He’s still wearing it. He’s 35.

Is this Circ du Surreal Banana Schpeel?

Personally, I’m glad that my husband’s mother sexually assaulted him when he was an infant. Through the years, I’ve become acquainted with both circumcised and uncircumcised penises, and I have to say that dick cheese is something I prefer to live without.

*“Go nail yourself to the mast by your green-addled foreskin!" Rodrigues hissed.

James Clavell*

Actually, this isn’t far from the mark. Even many anti-creationist people think so. Gish was a clever speaker, and his opponents were usually underprepared and generally less populist and slick. Opponents of Gish’s schtick got better as time went by at debating him.

Comments here: Debating the ICR's Duane Gish

Or drunk. I was thinking drunk. Benefit of the doubt and all.

I’m glad my Mom raped me. In addition to what PunditLisa (Cincinnati in the heezy!) said, I am glad my cock does not look like a pig in a blanket.
Mmmmm…pigs in a blanket…

Thanks for the link, interesting reading. You do learn something new every day.


I bet you never thought you’d type those words.

Its true. Since I live in the Cincinnati area, I rarely type the word “Cincinnati”. Its got a great s-sounding ring to it. SINSINNATI!

I was thinking Tuesday…

I like people like the OP. I read their posts and think “There but for the sake of a strictly random universe go I.”

Thanks, Mom.

You know, it’s posts like this (on both sides) that turn these threads into train wrecks. Lots and lots of men are not circumcised and do not have “dick cheese” and look perfectly attractive. But some of them are inevitably going to have knee-jerk defensive reactions to the accusation that they have an ugly, nasty penis. I mean, you can’t hardly blame them. Except some of the defending will take the form of insulting the circumcised penis, which will make the other side defensive, and even more virulent in their own attacks and pretty soon we are all passionately arguing about something that just isn’t that big if a deal either way.

Look, the OP is insane. We can all agree with that. You don’t have to insult a bunch of random men to make it clear that the OP is crazy. It’s possible for BOTH the OP to be crazy AND it be a perfectly cromulent choice not to circumcise your child.

My penis is clearly more cromulent than most.