August Londope -- plan now, and avoid the rush

well 23rd is out then - no Angua!

and without her where would we rest pints???

Such forward organisation, I am indeed impressed…

Not fussed about dates as me and my beloved (Crusoe, for those who haven’t sussed it) should be around all August, and we don’t have far to go. He is incommunicado this week but I am sure he would be interested.

Will let you all know the outcome of the epic rock/scissors/paper/thumb wrestling contest that will decide whether one or other or both pop along!

Er… on a table perhaps? :smiley:

That would be fine! If I’ve got a bed, so do you. If we get one room with two double beds, that’ll be the perfect scenario for driving Alex batshit with girlie stuff!

Ok, so I am a gimp… I’m in Amsterdam on the 29th… so any of those dates are fine for me!


You’ve never seen a Tir` sulk! You might enjoy it! :stuck_out_tongue:

Besides, you told me where to get Kaboom paper! Mwhahahahaaa!

Ooh, it’s a bit early for me to be able to say much about August, but the 9th is probably best.

Oh dear, oh dear. She’s off again :wink:

Oh, and Tir, are the rest of the photos up yet? I need a welcome distraction from writing yet another proposal and frightening my galaxy .:slight_smile:

soon my precious, have patience, I have to do real work first!
Piccies this afternoon, promise.

It was third on the right, not the left?

D’oh! Sorry about that. I’m going to blame being female, having no spatial awareness skills whatsoever, to the extent that I have to turn a map around to face the way I’m going if I want to give directions, and that’s difficult on a computer screen :wink:

i wanna be te one who gives angua directions in London…


Garius, I think you and I could be such good friends… we think alike! :smiley:

He could come if he promised to stick to lemonade.

Borough sounds good. There are loads of nice pubs, shame I can’t remember names and locations. One was something to do with markets or something.

i hide my evilness and pyromania better Tir (although you’d love my guy fawlkes day parties). :stuck_out_tongue:

and you mean you think like this too? :wink:

Bha! You’re both evil! ::sulk::


ah! shut up and go back to your galaxy! :stuck_out_tongue:

Its still receeding awway from me! :stuck_out_tongue:

have you tried calling it? galaxies are pretty obedient if you’ve trained them properly:

“here galaxy! come on boy! come to angua! here boy! goooood galaxy…”

Problem is almost all pubs in central London are gonna be over 18’s or over 21’s only.
If it was a nice day, we could sit outside, but I don’t know that everyone would want to sit outside in the evening, and if it rains, he’s buggered. We can go indoors, but he can’t.

Ahh, well, there will be other dopefests he can come to.