Author of "The Secret World of Og" dies

Canadian author Pierre Berton died today at the age of 84. A prolific writer (15,000 words a day, including a 1,200 words daily column) he will be mostly remember for his Canadian pop history books and his long standing appearance on Front Page Challenge on the CBC.

A long time doper (in all meanings of the word :smiley: )


A page of Canadian litterary history has died today. So long, Pierre.

I loved The Secret World of Og as a kid and I loved marijuana as a teen.

We will miss you, Pierre. :frowning:

Was it mary-jane related?


Ooo, I loved Arctic Grail. I had no idea the guy was such an institution. And a pothead to boot. Neat!

I rememeber a time where you couldn’t watch CBC without seeing him. Front Page challenge and the National Dream were two shows I never quite got as a kid yet was forced to watch. He was an interesting man and a great Canadian patriot.
As he put it in one of his last interviews. (paraphrasing) “The problem with Canadian’s is they mistake their history as boring because they try to compare it to The United States. It’s not boring , it is different. Without knowing where we came from we will never know where to go as a nation.”

I remember reading his books. Such an intelligent and eloquent man. :frowning:

Caveman walks out (slowly) from a very smoky cave, then announces to the rest of the very perplexed clan: