Auto-Correct Embarassments!

So, one of the techs in our department has been out since Tuesday. Protocol dictates that, when calling off, you make a call to the Attendance Secretary and also enter it into our iVisions system. When that happens, interested parties are notified such as the principal.

So, I was at my scanning station this morning when the principal came up to me and said, “People really need to keep an eye on auto-correct spelling.” I asked her what she meant, so she showed me her phone with the call-off message sent by my work mate:

“Staying home again today because I’m still naked.” :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

So, my purpose here is twofold. The first is to ask for any contributions regarding auto-spell gaffs either committed or received. The second is to help me with ideas as how to best torture my workmate when he returns on Monday! LOL

So… what was he trying to say ?

That I can’t figure out, but you just KNOW he’s going to be intensely interrogated by my boss and me when he returns! :smiling_imp:

I see auto correct problems and think, well that’s a word they use alot in texts. If it’s a sketchy word, yes I make judgements about you. Sorry, I do.

(I’m jinxed, I’ll make an awful one today, for sure)

So maybe it wasn’t an auto correct and he meant to say that… i don’t know if that’s
better or worse !

He just didn’t have any clean clothes!

The “s” key is right next to the “a” key. If they typed in “aick”, maybe autocorrect changed it to “naked”. Reaching here.

If it’s good autocorrect, then it bases the change on words they commonly use. How often do they use “naked” in texts?!?!?

Good analysis!

Good question! I’m going to ask him exactly that! LOL

I’m going to mention that, but I’m going to preface it with, "Several of my friends think that … " LOL

Yep, “I’m b-b-b-bad, da de da de dum, bad to the bone, da de da de dum, bad to the bone!” :laughing:

I once saw “Bigfoot Rape”. AutoCorrect, or… :thinking:

It’s a conspiracy.

I once wrote to my sister-in-law, “So tired of the whack-a-doodles at work!”, which my phone gloriously translated to “So tired AF the whack-a-doodles at work”. My brother and sister-in-law teased me for weeks about that.

Now, that is imaginative software! LOL

It was a, “this is what she said, but THIS is what she is thinking”, sort of thing. :grinning:

Someone at work once sent me an email in which he mentioned he needed to find his Bugzilla password. (Bugzilla is a bug tracking system.) Autocorrect changed it to “I need to find my buzzkill password.” It’s not that great, but I was inordinately amused by it.

I’ve written about this one before. I was typing an email to a healthcare client and started off with “Hi Seth,”. But I overshot the “h” key and typed “Hi Sety,”. It got autocorrected to “Hi Sexy,”.

Luckily I caught it before I hit Send!

Emphasis mine.

Yes, the faithful alot is very useful as a texting assistant! The alot also makes for a lovable furry pet.

If you are both aching and nauseated…?

Should have been “Kind regards”

Became “Kind retards”

Wasn’t me, and I soon added “Kind regards” to my automatic signature so I don’t have to even type it.

This isn’t exactly autocorrect, but it’s related IMHO. I’ve mentioned before I work at an (ostensibly) international school in Beijing. That means the school offers an overseas curriculum to Chinese students. For this month’s graduation ball, the students walk down a red carpet and the announcer reads a blurb about the students. The blurb is in both Chinese and English. The students wrote the blurbs themselves in Chinese. Of course they used computer translation for the English version. And translate, not interpret, the computer did! I offer you the following:

This is for two female students.

Now coming in the face are (1st girl’s name) and (2nd girl’s name).

Later in the program is this one for a male student.

He is intimate with his classmates.

I got to see these because I’m the native-English speaking teacher who got to proofread the script before the big event.

Oh, and I guess we all know which classmates the boy is intimate with.