I’m still getting automatic downloads sometimes when I visit the boards from my tablet, which cannot block ads. The last time the topic came up, I posted screenshots of the ads that were on the screen when the download started. Is anyone doing anything about this?
The SDMB is NOT about Fighting Ignorance, despite what many of us- especially '99ers- like to believe.
It’s about making as much money as possible per click, per keystroke off of us. It has been for many years now. This latest offense, however, crosses some very bright lines for many Dopers.
I am getting automatic downloads onto my desktop that immediately indicate that they are DOWNLOADING information.
Know what? Fuck that shit. Yes, it’s ATMB and I used “fuck” and “shit” in the same sentence.
I have screenshots of both auto-downloads.
I have the addresses in the address bars. To whom do I send them?
L’il Ed likes to be the big man around here? Good. Let him act like one and scrape a few shekels from the inside of his wallet, pay to tweak the software and stop activating downloads that are doing nothing more than allowing third-party hacks of my computer.
Fighting Ignorance indeed.
I have resorted to disabling the download manager in order to prevent the downloads while reading the SDMB on my android phone.
But you’re a member. Are you not logged in or something?
Some people get to the message board by first going to the Straight Dope main web page. Since the web page isn’t a part of the message board, it doesn’t know if you are a member or not and it serves up ads to everyone.
While we don’t have a choice about annoying ads, you shouldn’t be getting downloads. Until they get this fixed, I recommend using an ad blocker and a script blocker to prevent any problems.
I have the SDMB front page as a toolbar link.
I never access the SDMB by using the SD Web page.
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As a charter member, as long as you are logged in, you shouldn’t be getting any ads at all. Do you have “remember me” checked or do you log in every time you access the SDMB?
Sure do !!
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You shouldn’t be getting ads then (malicious or otherwise).
Just to confirm, this is on your tablet that you are seeing the problem, correct?
Remember when the board used to stop running ads for a bit when one of these malware attacks was underway?
How are these solutions to the problem and “SD will stop using an ad service that downloads shit onto people’s computer.” is not a solution?
That is just crazy talk! Taking responsibility for serving malware is just nuts. Not when you can make a couple pennies per ad! Why shut off ads when you can retire in luxury by infecting your customers with viri?
I have this problem on two phones (both HTCs, running android) every PC I use (two laptops, two desktops daily and others), my tablet (Kindle Fire).
One would think that since this has been going on for a loooong time that the best answer it to just turn off the ads until the problem is found and known to be resolved.
They read to me like attempts to figure out what’s going on, as a step toward fixing it.
What’s going on is that they use an ad service with bad quality control and doesn’t give a f**k. What’s to figure out?
I keep getting an auto download called download.pdf . I see a lot of y’all are having troubles too. I’m just not gonna come back for a while. Maybe they’ll figure it out in a year or two
I really don’t know why I wasted my time with this, but here is another screencap. http://i.imgur.com/A7eX7VC.jpg
I also use the SDMB web page as my link. But sometimes, like once a week or so, I like to look at the SD Web page to see the latest column. You remember the SD columns-- the thing that brought us all here in the first place.
On occassion someone will ask a question and I’ll think, “ISTR Cecil did a column on that years ago. Let’s see if I can find it.” Then I’ll click over to the SD page. Of course, I’m rewarded with downloaded ads in both cases.
I have a suggestion for TPTB. JUST PUT THE DAMN ADS RIGHT ON THE PAGE! Like your overloads at the Chicago Sun-Times. Put the ads in a box that we can either click on for more information, or scroll past.
Doesn’t that work better for everyone (the advertiser, the broker, the Dope and the users) than all this stealthy stuff?
Hmmm. Maybe that is the problem. I don’t have a download manager, and I don’t get automatic downloads. I seem to be immune from most of the complaints in this thread. What non-negative benefits would installing a download manager give me?
I also am getting “download.pdf” on my android. I only know about it when it asks me if I want to replace"download.pdf" with “download.pdf”. It makes no difference how I respond.
In addition, I have been having a terrible problem with battery life on my phone. I’d go to bed with near 100% and sometimes it would be completely dead by morning, other times it would be less than 30% (usually, I’ll lose maybe 10% during the night). I would also get Google Play Manager eating up large chunks of memory. This all started about a month ago. I was thinking I had downloaded a virus or had an app that had gone loony, and was removing all apps that I absolutely didn’t need. Until I read this thread.
My habit had been to leave the dope page open in my browser so I could quickly find it if I had a few minutes to kill. After reading this thread, I put 2 & 2 together and thought maybe it was these “download.pdf” attempts that was the problem. I closed my Dope windows and I’m getting the battery life I used to get.
These auto download ads started about a month ago, or so, right? I am convinced they were responsible for eating my battery and that they are just plain evil. (of course, what would you expect from something that ate batteries?) Regardless, no more Straight Dope on my phone, until I find an adblocker that will do away with them.
Sorry for the delayed reply.
This happens on my Mac desktop. Not a laptop and not a tablet.
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