Autopsies and Medical Examiners in Film (NO TV!!!)

There are a zillion procedural/crime TV shows that have featured scenes in morgues or medical examiner tables, from Quincy to the numerous CSIs and beyond, so I am not interested in those.

I want films that feature post-mortem procedures conducted to determine cause-of-death or forensic evaluation. Scenes that stand out are the ones in In the Heat of the Night, Jaws and The Silence of the Lambs.

**NO ALIENS or vampires or other supernatural stuff. **

Also no cursory exams in the field (like in Se7en). I want films that show a certain procedure and language about formally examining a stiff by a coroner, ME, or other professional. Any insights into their accuracy would be helpful, but I’m most interested in specific scenes.


Bullitt and The Enforcer have reasonably good autopsy scenes; Bullitts being especially realistic.

Actually, there is also a proper, if rather short, medical examiner scene in Seven.

The first victim, the “gluttony” guy, is up on a table and the examiner is talking about the size of the stomach, the “size of the cardiac orifice,” and “lines of distension across the duodenum.” There is also discussion of internal hemorrhaging, a hemotoma, and bruises on the size of his head, possibly from the barrel of a gun.

I just fired up my copy of the movie to get the details right. :slight_smile:

I’ve always liked the “Eat at Joe’s” scene in The Enforcer, where Clint Eastwood is completely unmoved and Tyne Daly nearly hurls in front of the coroner.

IIRC, Presumed Innocent gets a decent amount of mileage out of this.

How about Silence of the Lambs?

An oldie but goodie: “The Andromeda Strain”

There’s a bit of an autopy/post-mortem exam scene in Alien 3.

Linda Fiorentino, in MEN IN BLACK, where the running gag is that she of course keeps uncovering evidence that requires her to get flashy-thing mind-wiped.

Mentioned in the OP.

Somebody didn’t read the OP. He said no aliens or vampires or other supernatural type things.