Avatar Special Edition - will you go see it?

If you weren’t already award of it, James Cameron is rereleasing Avatar [warning: there is audio on that link] with NEVER-BEFORE-SEEN Footage! (about 9 minutes) back on the big screen this Friday, 8/27. Will you go see it?

Wow, I thought *everyone *voted like me,

but it turns out I’m first.

Will there be blue boobs?

I’ve seen the original version in 3d, and own the DVD. If I hear really good things about what has been added, I might buy the new version on DVD and give the old one to someone else.

We don’t get out to the theatres much anymore - it has to be a pretty big draw.

We might see three or (at most) four movies per year in the theatre. Avatar already got us out twice. I will be content with checking it out on BluRay.

I voted no, I already saw it once. But, if my wife decides she wants to see it (she hasn’t yet), I’ll probably go with her. It’s not a great movie, but it’s good spectacle.

There’s no entry for Yes, I saw it once in 3D, and I might see it Again in 3D, which is what I’d put.

Once was more than enough.

Man, that’s great news! The one thing I remember thinking while watching the film the first time was, “Jesus, could this thing get any longer?”

And now it turns out it can!

Once was plenty for me; it just wasn’t that good.

And now, with additional footage, I have to ask: WTF??? You took $18 for the fucking 3-D ticket, and for all that fucking money you left shit out??? I’m not paying for a Rolls-Royce only to find out later that the ashtray is gone and a new one with the ashtray is the same cost as the shitty incomplete one, but I gotta have both, I can’t just have one or the other.

Fucking prick marketing move is all it is. Fuck it.

Despite the long list of poll options, mine wasn’t on there: I’ve seen it multiple times on DVD (well, Blu-Ray) and enjoyed it, but have no desire to see it in the theater because I have no desire to see it in 3D, which I find gimmicky and am hoping will disappear as a trend once again within a year or two, and am content with viewing it at home in 2D.

What, no option for “No, I saw it once and that’s enough for this derivative drek”?

Probably not. I saw it once in the theatre and thought it was great, then bought the DVD, but haven’t watched it again yet. The DVD just sits there on the shelf, and I keep saying to it “One day”.

Titanic is my favourite non-musical film of all time, so the release of Avatar was a big deal, but as time goes by I realise that Avatar wasn’t that great and my favourite thing about it was the theme song.

I thought Avatar was nearly as deep and touching as Final Fantasy VI cutscenes… and less impressive visually; not going to pay to see more of it.

If it had 30 extra minutes of story-relevant scenes and showed that main alien chick’s boobs, I would go back to see it. I’m not sitting through it all over again to see Sigourney Weaver smoking for 9 more minutes, though.

No, it was only an OK movie and I have no interest in seeing it again.

I wish they’d re-release all 3 Lord of the Rings movies, though. I might pay to see those again.

Yes, I saw it multiple times in the theater and can’t wait to do so again.

It, and its sequel(s), are the only movies I’ll ever pay to experience in 3D because the experience is an experience, an astonishing experience. Its 3D is not like any other 3D of any movie ever.

I’d rather ride the roller coaster, front seat, than watch a video of a roller coaster on a 13" black and white TV, which is comparable to just watching Avatar in 2D on a small screen. Not seeing it in 3D because you hate the story is like not riding a roller coaster because you hate the color scheme of the coaster. Though of course, the story of Avatar is a lot more interesting than a mere color scheme.

This really is quite a bit of hyperbole.

You missed the blue boobs in the first one? In an early scene, the chick is naked when shot from a distance from the side. When she’s speaking, she is clearly wearing a top. However, when Jake is taking and the camera has her from the back and side, the top is missing. I definitely saw nipple.

Bull. My eyes are like nipple-finding radar. SETI wants to hire me to find nipples in other solar systems. I really doubt I missed one staring at me in Imax. Post a screenshot if it exists.