Avatar - The Way of Water

Gamespot, who I didn’t realize even review movies, gave it only a 5 out of 10. Said the movie even included incomplete special effects shots.

They, however, may be in the thin minority as the overall precent positive on Rotten Toamtoes is currently over 80%.

Anyone seen it yet or seeing it soon? I know Jim Cameron will be upset, but I’m probably waiting until streaming or Blu-ray. I only thought Avatar 1 was OK.

Will it make the 2 Billion dollars it has to make to break even? It…is coming out in China, something increasingly rare these days.

It’s not a 73 on Metacritic, which is a pretty good score.

I never saw the original one, except in bits and pieces on TV, so I’d like to see this one in the theater to get the 3-D effect.

And it’s at 83% at Rotten Tomatoes, based on 80 reviews. So the critics seem to like it. It opens this weekend at my local multiplex but I’m not planning to see it immediately.

I get to see it for free on Friday at a demo put on by Dolby Labs. And I get to skip the office Christmas party Friday afternoon and hang out with Dolby engineers at a top of the line Dolby equipped theater instead. I already love the movie. :slight_smile:

But my god, is it really 3-1/2 hours long!

It’s supposed to be quite the spectacle but thin on story and character development. Which can be okay but on a 3+ hour movie seems to be pushing it.

About like the first one, then.

If I see it at all, it’d be in the theater, because if there’s anything worthwhile in it, it’ll be the spectacle, much of which will be lost on a small screen. But after this long of a wait, it’d have to be one heck of a spectacle to make it worth it for me to bother.

The Seattle Times gives it two stars.

I was 40 when Avatar came out, and it was the first 3D movie I ever saw, so I was understandably blown away and able to totally overlook any story shortcomings. I’ll have to see the new one and hope for the same wow factor.

Is this the one where the Earthlings come back in force and glaze the planet to get “their” unobtanium?

I just saw it in Thailand. It was quite good, and no surprise overly long. I liked it quite a lot, but I’m still thinking about it, just got back from the theater. It was truly stunning onscreen.

(I may have drowning nightmares tonight)

I’m still thinking about this, and I’d have to see it again - but the Naavi adults and kids relationships in the movie seemed to be the kids doing their best, messing up or doing amazing things, whatever - and the adults not getting it. It was okay once or twice, but it went on and on. Sully was a shit once or twice.

The relationship between the Sully boy and that whale was amazing. And tediously endless. I mean, seriously, it could have been as a simple as “boy pull thorn from creatures foot” - which was literally depicted -, instead we get 30 minutes of them bonding with backstory, just so this big fish can mess with the antagonists later.

I’ll likely watch it on Disney+. I wasn’t a fan of the original, not expecting much from this one.

The first one is fine. I agree with streaming or Blu-ray from the library on this one. My interest might have been higher had this come out 2-3 years later, not 13 years later.

Edit: I kind of mean had all 5(?) of these come out every three years or so, I might have been interested in where it is going. The decade plus of waiting kind of sunk it.

Maybe it looks better in motion, but wow, some of those stills look absolutely cartoonish.

Pretty much how I felt.

It is “Dances With Wolves” in space. Visually it is beautiful. Story-wise…meh.

I think it is telling that while it made more money than any film ever it has almost no impact on the modern zeitgeist. No one quotes it. No one references it. Star Wars was made 40+ years ago and is still talked about. 2001: A Space Odyssey is even older and talked about and referenced. Blade Runner…the list is long. Few talk about Avatar. How many quotes can those here bring to mind of the old movies I just listed? Now, how many can you remember from Avatar?

I will still see Avatar-2 in a theater cuz I am a sucker for sci-fi spectacle.

I was severely disappointed in the first one. It was stunning visually, but the story (“Pocahontas Goes To Ferngully”) was sophomoric. The so-called dialog between the so-called characters was cliché at best.

That’s why I was really hoping they would’ve hired some writers this time, and made the story as interesting as the effects.

I’ll keep hoping, but the reviews aren’t helping…

Rotten Tomatoes is at 82% right now, which is identical to where the original movie ended up.

I’m going to watch it because regardless of the script, James Cameron is possibly the greatest technical director alive. Nobody can string an action sequence together the way he can: not Christopher Nolan, not George Miller, not even Spielberg. He’s the best, and I want to see his work.

Got my IMAX tickets for Monday, truly looking forward to it because I want to be entertained and look at pretty shit for 3 hours while baked, munching on pizza.

Haven’t seen the movie, but I just saw a trailer they showed on TV, and to me it looks cartoonish as well, with a dash of Uncanny Valley. Something about the movement is not quite right.