Awesomely funny celebrity PSA

This three-minute video is a sincere attempt by a bunch of celebrities to get people out to vote, and vote against Trump. But it also knowingly winks at the various tropes that are typically involved in these kinds of PSAs, so it functions both as a parody of such PSAs and as the actual thing it is parodying. Especially toward the end, I was laughing my ass off; and the last line is absolute perfection.

If anyone knows who wrote this (Joss Whedon, maybe?), please let me know.

Very awesome, especially at the end.

Is there a list of who these actors are? Sorry, I can’t identify all of them (or most of them).


I enjoyed it’s highly polished sincerity. :slight_smile:

But Cap’n Tightpants is not only an immigrant, but also appears to have no desire to become a US citizen. OTOH, based on the Firefly gag reel it seems like studios might have trouble keeping his clothes on, so if Ruffalo isn’t game…

According to this article, yes, it’s by Joss Whedon.

Bravo! We may now be assured that anyone with the least amount of cool will not be voting for Trump!

Next should be one of those “Montage of America” ones, full of happy prosperous healthy Americans from Central Casting (precisely diversified) telling us all how happy, prosperous and healthy we are and will continue to be if we don’t totally fuck it up. By electing Trump.

Aha! Thanks. He writes jokes for RDJ so very well.

I know 80% of them. Did anyone recognize all of them?

Josh Whedon. The man with biggest forehead in Hollywood.

It was … amusing.

This was patronizing and uncomfortable to watch, especially the bit about not trusting Trump with nukes because his “signature move” is “firing things.” I think that was supposed to be funny. Given the target rich environment that is Trump, it looks bad when you make a lame attack like that. It has a divided like bar and a comment section full of people making fun of it. “Hey the top tenth of 1% has a message for us!” Ouch.

America is celebrity crazy so I tend to think stuff like this probably has a positive effect, but it also plays right into conservative rhetoric about out of touch Hollywood libs.

I guess when you got Jon Voight and Chuck Norris on your side, you get pretty smug about it.

The list is directly atop the video, in this Facebook link.

It’s not as if I had never noticed before that Scarlett Johansson is an attractive woman, but I think she is especially attractive in this video.

…and, to objectify a male actor just to keep the scales even, Bradley Whitford looks really old!!!

That’s not all of them, not even close. As it says there: “…and many more!” And actually, when I go back and watch again, I think I was overstating to say “80%”. I was aware whom I was looking at for maybe close to 80% of the running time, but there were several people featured for shorter periods of time that I couldn’t name.

Aside from the funny parts, my favorite bit is Don Cheadle. He laid it down, hardcore.

I noticed that too. And it’s not like he’s one of those actors who disappears for a while and then when he comes back, you’re like “whoa”. He’s been in things I’ve watched the past couple years (Trophy Wife, transparent, Happyish), but was apparently using hair dye or wigs or something, along with makeup and lighting, to look younger.

Ouch indeed. You gotta be pretty ignorant to think Hollywood actors are in the top tenth of the 1%. Never heard of Bill Gates, Koch brothers or oh I don’t know DONALD TRUMP, brainiacs?

I obviously don’t agree with **marshmallow’s **take, but it is likely true that most if not all of the actors in that video are in the top tenth of one percent, which is people with more than about $2 million in yearly income.

Well I wasn’t looking at a chart but there’s a whole other stratosphere when it comes to being rich and since the subject of the commercial is a billionaire, seems a ridiculous criticism.

These actors have jobs for which they get paid lots of money. Because the film & TV companies make even more money from them. They didn’t just inherit a couple of million & fake it from then on. Sure, it may be “unfair” they get paid more than schoolteachers–but they* have* worked to get where they are. Of course, Whedon could have propped up more “real” people to appear “sincere”–which was one of the jokes.

Not all these folks are A-Listers, regularly starring in blockbusters. Of course, any actor who doesn’t have a day job is doing OK. I was glad to see Leslie Odom Jr; the original Aaron Burr in Hamilton.

Here’s Whedon’s website for the project.