Ayesha pits her (former) family


I wish there was something more I could offer than a virtual hug. I am so sorry for the loss of your Mother. What a terrible thing for her family to do to you especially at a time like this. Everything else I had to say was already covered by others - but know that you and your sisters are in my thoughts.

** GaWd ** HIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIIII. Thanks, I don’t believe I will reach out to them again. I have had my hand slapped enough (figurativly speaking) . I won’t say that I will close the door totally, if they want to reach out I’ll decide then if I am willing to put myself in the position to let them hurt my heart again. I guess this is so hard because the holidays are coming up and this will be the first without me being able to at least call Mom like I did when she lived out of state. I just miss her so much.

** monica ** Thanks.

** shamrock227 ** Hey virtual hugs are nothing to be sneezed at. Thanks for the thoughts.

This shit just keeps on going. Now one of my sisters, sister 4 (she of the shit stirring fame) is just pissing me off. She has and is
a) tried and keeps trying to have sister 5 who is on probation arrested by making a claim that sister 5 stole $ 50.00 from her purse a few days before Mom died. I do not believe this to be true for several reasons. 1) she only said this when sister 5 wanted to file assualt chages on my Aunt the money was supposedly stolen 2 days before that. 2) If sister 5 had done this then believe me sister 4 would have told me, every person with-in a hundred miles of this. 3) Sister 5 was so broke she was given meal tickets by the hospital social worker so she could eat, she also recieved charity medical help at the hospital for a condition that popped up and was given her meds by the hospital. If she had had 50.00 she would not have accepted the help. She does have some pride. And if sister 4 was missing money why did she not accuse me too ? She left her bag with me and I had to go potty so I took the bag with me not wanting to leave it in the waiting room . No I didn’t even open it. The plain truth is sister 4 hates sister 5, has said so too many times to count.

And she has contacted my neice/daughter (sister 2’s daughter who I helped raise for almost 4 years.) and upset her threatening to sue sister 2 for taking money from Mom’s account (sister 2 has a durable power of attorney too giving her the right to take care of all the bills Mom had, which she did, as well as returning to social security any monies they were to get back when Mom died from the check that had been deposited just before that, she did all of those things) she can’t actually do shit to sister 2 but upsetting that child is crossing the be kind and loving to one another and have dignity line here. I have been kind and loving , I have managed to keep a tiny bit of my dignity, not much mind you but a tiny bit. I am done being kind and loving to this sister of mine. I know she hurts, welcome to the frigging party, we all hurt. But do not mess with my kid ! I didn’t give birth to her but she is still part mine and I will not sit silently by and let this happen. My Mother would be outraged !


Ayesha, if you can, invite the sibs you’re still talking to over for Thanksgiving, and set a place for your Mom at the table. Lay down the rule that no one there can speak ill of anyone involved, and then do your collective best to have a good time.

When my sister turned 40, I threw her a surprise party that’s worth a MPSIMS thread of it’s own. We set the place for our Mom, so she could be there anyway. The extended family appreciated the gesture.

** VunderBob ** That’s a lovely thought but all of my sisters live out of state. After all the money they spent coming down and staying here the last two times Mom was in the hospital there is no way they can afford it right now. Maybe next year I can go see one or more of them.

I may set a place for Mom here anyway. It will be myself, hubby, son, future dil and hubby’s uncle.