I told y’all I would be here sooner or later when I posted this thread, http://boards.straightdope.com/sdmb/showthread.php?t=280140
the time has come.
My Mother passed away October 9th, it was a true slice of hell made worse by the actions of her Family. (I say her’s because I have been disowned along with some of my sisters). I was spoken to by one Aunt at the funeral, she gave me something that was on the floral arrangement she and her children sent. She also told me how hurt and disappointed she was with me.
Nine days after her death I reached out to her siblings with an email giving my new contact information… It went like this, * My new address is
My name 0000 certian street # 0000. Houston Tx. 00000
I just got my new phone today
the number is… 000-000-0000
Aye *
Later I reciever this reply from one of my Uncles
** Please don’t contact me any more. After what you and your sisters did to me and my Brother and Sisters I really want nothing to do with you or your sisters. But, one thing. Was it worth losing your family over? Uncle’s name **
If I were to reply this is what I want to say.
I wasn’t going to reply to you, however you did ask a question therefore I feel I owe you an answer
I do know know what I am supposed to have done to any of my Aunts or Uncles that deserved my being disowned. I truely have no idea. I have searched my heart and prayed about this often in the days just before my Mother’s death and since then. I believe that the only thing in my behavior that MIGHT have been seen as wrong was when I very quietly and calmly asked Aunt Ellen if she was going to jump on me too. Now this was a) after she had laid her hands on 2 of my sisters in anger in my Mother’s hospital room as she lay dying and b) because as I walked in the door she was glaring at me doing that finger nail popping thing she does when she is angry.
That is honestly the only thing I can think of that I personally did that I feel MAY have been wrong.
I do not believe that ANY of my Aunts or Uncles can say I was ever once rude to any of you, not if you are honest with yourselves. I never once spoke to you in the manner that you personally spoke to me, I never once turned my back on any of you. I never once intentionally did anything to any of you that I knew would cause you pain. And yet here I sit grieving not only the death of MY Mother but also grieving the loss of people I once believed loved me.
I know that my Mother loved all of you, just as she loved her children. She had hoped that her siblings would help us through this pain, one she knew all too well having lost Gigi, and to be fair toward us . However she also knew that there was a good chance that would not happen. How do I know this to be true ? Quite simply because a few months before her death she asked my Father’s sister to promise her she would look after us. This made no sense to me at the time, I was really confused by it. After all we (my Sisters and myself) grew up with Mom’s siblings, not Dad’s. True Aunt S.and I have become close over the past few years but I was still confused. I am no longer wondering why she did that. My Mother KNEW her family.
As to my Sisters, yes there is some shame there. It is a shame that they did not feel safe being with OUR Mother when she took her last breaths. It is a shame that they felt so threatened that they were forced to leave and could not be here to say that very last good-bye. Whose shame is this ? Theirs ? I think not. Mine ? Uh no, I was not the one hitting, making threats ect… That would be you, my former family.
If I have been disowned for the reason you were bitching at me in a public parking place as I cried then get over it and/or grow up ! How my sister and I making a list of names so we would not forget anyone while we were still sane enough to do so hurt you exactly how ? Agreeing that yes Mom said she wanted to be buried in her blue suit did you what damage ? And agreeing that yes OUR Mother wanted her daughters to stick together and love one another was a crime in what way ? You all became angry when you learned that my Mother had given my sister and I medical power of attorney. From that time on you all turned on us like insane people. My sister actually got on her knees and begged you all to forgive her “crimes” . You said you forgave her then started making plans to throw her out of Mom’s apartment as soon as Mom was dead. Too bad Sis was smart enough to leave town before you had that pleasure.
Was it worth losing my family ? What family ?
These are the hardest words I have ever written but I do not need a family like you.
Fuck, now I’m crying again.