B-L Contest. Did our guy win?

Who wants to update the Wikipedia page with Boyo Jim’s accomplishment?

I’m loving your custom title Boyo Jim, were you complicit in that or is someone messing with you?


A friend of mine told me he was going to do that. Obviously he’s a slacker.

I’m missing something…custom title? I don’t understand.

Look under your username. Where it normally says “Charter Member” or “Member.”

And no, I personally had nothing whatsoever to do with it.

I had no idea that was done, and I didn’t ask for it. I am proud, though, to have a unique title. It’s a very nice honor. :smiley:

I would like some thought from you folks into how I can possibly deal this 15 minutes of fame into something more than just that plus $250 bucks.

One thing I had already started on is a book idea, a self-help book for slackers. At the moment, there’s barely more than a page done, something between an outline and an introduction. To do this book I am going to need to hook up with an illustrator, otherwise I will have a very thin book. But one author I spoke to says I should complete the entire book and more or less commission specific drawings for specific needs. I also need a literary agent, and eventually a publisher.

I’m thinking an agent can help me develop ideas into workable schemes. How would I find one? Does anyone know what the reputable agencies are?

Can you think of any company that would want my endorsement, or that would want to sponsor me for some crazy reason?

Well, you definitely earned it.

Congratulations, Jim!

If you need an illustrator, you should talk to the Official Caricaturist of the Straight Dope ™, Amazon Floozy Goddess.

Hm, sponsorship opportunities … are you willing to get tattooed?


Work with me here!

Well, no ideas here. But congrats! (Dammit my entries faded into oblivion, again.)

Ok, probably not.

I’ve updated the Wikipedia page with Boyo Jim’s entry, and profession & hometown from the BLFC web site. Please check the page history, too.

Thank you so much. I am so proud!

You should be! That’s a very funny sentence you’ve constructed. I hope being paid well for one bad sentence doesn’t encourage you to write a whole book of them, though. :smiley:

I kept waiting for the old thread to reappear and tell us the results of the contest but I guess that wasn’t going to happen because the old thread had been disappeared.

Anyway, congrats!

Ooh, ooh, ooh. I’m gonna be on Michael Feldman’s “What do you Know?” Saturday – I think. The contest forwarded me an invitation today from the show, and I replied yes, but I haven’t heard back from them yet confirming it.

Neat! Do you get to go there personally (are they in Madison this weekend?) or will it be by phone? Let us know if it’s definite…


The show originates in Madison, so I would expect to be there in person. I still haven’t got an answer back yet, but I have hopes that if I responded too late for this week, they’ll fit me in next. ‘Local boy does good’, and all that. I didn’t get the message til after 4 PM.