Back cracking

A Rosie O’Donnell reference from 1985? I’m not sure I buy it.

(sorry if this is an old point - trying to search on this just broke the search function, and when I tried again in two minutes it just broke it again)

LINK TO COLUMN: Is “cracking your back” to relieve backache a good idea? - The Straight Dope

One hasn’t lived until they’ve had an Irish jig performed on their back.

I’m not sure about the original, Tyrannorabbit, but occasionally some editing is done to Cecil’s columns. For instance, when a column is reprinted in a book, it’s usually reviewed and updated as necessary; sometimes (but not routinely) there’s some updating when a “classic” column is posted on the website. So, there can be some material in the column that’s put in later than the publication date. See Forum Rules, Post #5.

Although O’Donnell was on Star Search in the early 80s, it appears that she didn’t really become a household name until some time after A League of Their Own in 1992 – and possibly not even until her talk show went on the air in 1996.

So the reference is almost certainly a later addition to the column. Makes one wonder what the original reference was.
Powers &8^]

I just happen to have my copy of More of the Straight Dope handy, and looking at page 419, the original reference was Oprah Winfrey.

Somewhat more plausible, but Oprah didn’t go national until 1986. Granted, she was big – ratings-wise – in Chicago in 84-85, but wasn’t The Straight Dope syndicated by then?

Also, in the mid-eighties her weight problems were just getting started. I find it hard to believe that in 1985, the best “heavy female” reference Cecil could come up with was a local talk-show host who weighed south of 200 pounds.
Powers &8^]

Could it be updated to say a new entrant in Biggest Loser?