Back Home After Two Months

The two months journey has ended and I am home in Perth in Western Australia. It was a heck of a shock coming home to 35 degree Celsius heat compared to minus 5 in Sussex. (23 to 95 in Fahrenheit).

The trip home was pretty good and uneventful if very long. Virtually no stopover in Singapore- off the 13 hour flight and onto the 5 hour flight.

My plants are all dead but they will grow back.

Overall, the planning went well and we had no failures that could be attributed to anything we planned (we missed one flight but that was due to the initial flight being late and the travel agent not allowing enough time to get through Heathrow anyway. I doubt that I will use a travel agent again.).

All the costings we made turned out pretty accurate though we did get ripped off in a few ways we know of- probably more but a few come to mind. Ringing a number in the UK from within the UK cost us $150 for minutes rather than a local call. Also we got charged around $200 for being 8 kgs excess on our baggage by one airline.

It was all great but gee it is good to be home.

Welcome home - I’m glad to hear all’s well. :slight_smile:

Ouch!!! @_@

And welcome home, can you replant or is it the wrong end of the season there?

I’ll just water the grass- it will come back within a few weeks. Most of the plants will also do fine with a bit of water and I planned on replacing the herbs anyway. The bulbs were all finished for the year.