Back to School: What information to include on app for life/work experience?

Ok…I’m 36 and I’ve been out of school for over 10 years, and I need to go back. Looking to finally get my Bach. in Business. I have 3+ years of college credits.

The college admission app advises that if I’ve been out that long, then life/work experience is the primary consideration for acceptance/placement. It advises, “Transfers should use another sheet to list work/life experience relevant to their studies”.

Whew! That’d be alot. I have an incredible amount of experience in my 10 years at my current employer…and talk about life experiences…well.

Do I go ‘resume’ style with this? What do I hi-lite about work? All my training, travel, management, project experience? Where to draw the line about listing everything? Should I just go for overkill and let them decide what info is relevant?

Dopers, I need help. I started in the mailroom at my employer, worked my way up to management in 3 years and senior management a few years later. I have extensive travel and project management experience, and so many training experiences I’m dizzy thinking of them.

As for life, I’ve helped run our family business, owned two homes and have been married for 7 years with two great kids.

What do I include?!