Back to the grind in the MMP

It was 16° when I let Higgs out to pee. I didn’t really notice till I got to work - there’s something about the wind whipping across the runways and taxiways that are right next to our building that’s, well, downright brisk. OK FREEKIN’ FREEZIN’!!! And, naturally, it funnels between the buildings, so I got a nice blast going up to the door. But I’m inside, dressed in layers, having a hot breakfast sammich, so life is good.

**FCD **has an appointment today with a new orthopedist. I will be *very *surprised if he doesn’t have another spinal surgery. But I’m glad he decided to go after a couple of months of denial. We shall deal.

Spidey, Krispy Kreme? Really? You make a calendar note about those nasty things? I must reevaluate my opinion of you…

So, will I get any work to do today? I’m guessing probably not, especially since I forgot to bring a book with me. dammit.

Happy Tuesday anyway. dammit.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN 'Tis 33 Amurrkin out and clear with a predicted high of 48 and sunny for the day. The low temp overnight got down to 29 and there’s frost on the ground to prove it indeed did. BRRRRRR!

sari be safe in your travels today. Hope you can get in touch with your friend for N.O.L.

OK, that’s all I got. I need more caffeine and rumbly tummy demands sustenance. Then, alas and alack, irk purtification must commence. Another day in paradise awaits.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

**BLURF. **. 66 cold degrees here this morning. I know it does not compare to the teens but for me it’s cold. This time last week we were having 85F days.

Ok, up and at 'em.

Boss came over a bit ago to confirm that I have nothing to do. So maybe he’ll find me something to do…

Pouring down rain over here. “Fun” day to be taking the bus.

[QUOTE=FairyChatMom;18989790Spidey, Krispy Kreme? Really? You make a calendar note about those nasty things? I must reevaluate my opinion of you…[/QUOTE]

It’s the only one I know of in the region, it’s about 30 miles away, & stoppage will occur on the way back from an event that is sponsored by DD. Oh the irony.
An email showed up in my junk folder, supposedly from “Time to get ripped”. Awesome, I thought…until I realized the subject line was “Dr. Oz shares his secret”. Here I thought it was time to get liquored up. :frowning:

It’s cold here. -20 degrees Celsius and I don’t know what that is Fahrenheit.

On the plus side, I’m drinking coffee out of a giant mug - and it’s a StraightDope mug!! A fellow Doper sent it to me in a coffee mug exchange.

So much for getting work. I was talking to the kid in the cube next to mine. He’s been here a year anna half and apparently my lack of work is typical of what he’s dealt with.

Which makes me wonder why the heck was I hired?? This is insane!

I need to remember to bring books to keep myself occupied. What a world…

**Midget **- according to the google converter, it’s -4°F. Cold in any language!

Up, caffeinated, closing again. I’m gonna head to the laundromat before work. it’s only 25 here.

FCM, it’s for the same reason I have time to contribute to the SDMB; folks who are empire building look for bodies to fill slots, not for what the work demands. The job I am holding down has myself and another guy (pretty good worker, hope he gets a promotion) doing work that probably amounts to .75 man-years of effort–IOW, not enough for one person, much less two. But cutting back would lower the number of personnel managed and could affect the whole job scale, so…

They don’t call it Bureaucrazy for nothing.

Butters, your ‘cold’ snap of 65F (it’s 23F at 0715 here) reminds me when I was living in Abu Dhabi, where it’s over 100F for 9-10 months a year, and cold is when it hits 70F. I remember one evening when it was about 72F, I was in short sleeves with no jacket, and all the Emiraties were wearing jackets and coats I wouldn’t use until it got below 40F. I guess we adapt to the conditions as they are.

Now off for 3 hours of useless meetings at a site they haven’t told me exactly where it is…oh joy.


Three anna half hours and I’ve done exactly one work task that took maybe 30 seconds. Two if you count the email to my boss telling him I have no work.

Must remember book tomorrow, or perhaps some crossword puzzles.

No heat and Gordie hornked an incredible amount of dinner on the rug this morning. Is it Beer:30 yet?

TSSR and FCM, I had that same question for my supervisor a couple weeks ago and he said the same thing. It looks much better on project bids to show a full staff at all times, even when they are paying us to do nothing. And since quick-turnaround deadlines are the standard, it means we can get the work done without having to push into OT very often. I’m okay with that.

All settled into my new location. Even though it is in the middle of the room, it is surprisingly quiet and private, very little foot traffic. It’s almost like having a real office again.

It’s pouring here. Actual into-the-red (on the radar) pouring rain. The weather PTB have officially announced that El Nino is here. Rain every day from now until Easter it looks like.

Might get some snow in the Santa Cruz mountains. The kids miss the snow (from our Missouri days), so if it happens we might take them up to run around and play. I can remember being young and thinking snow was made of awesome. Vaguely. :wink:

Today it’s irk from home and take child to doctor’s appt. Tomorrow I actually have to go into the orifice. I’ve gotten some new “migraine filter” glasses that might help with fluorescent hell of the new office. They’ve gotten it so brightly lit up in there you’d think it was a clean room or something. I’ll look like Bono from U2, wearing tinted glasses indoors, but I’m good with that. I got bright pink frames. :smiley:

Must determine something yummy for dinner, but I haz time.

Starting the new job in a couple of weeks. Happy dance

Yay! Hope it has less stupids.

Blurf. Ekemom had a doctor’s appointment early today; when we got there, eke-sorta-gf was here too! Mom came here for her fibromyalgia attack; she’s been given a scrip for it. Now we’re waiting for the referral desk.

We have a church staff Christmas party to go to this afternoon. In between we’ll hang out at the school library.

A laundromat is no place to pickup wimen; if they can’t afford a washer/dryer how they going to be able to support you? :dubious:

Are you a F/T employee now or is this another consulting gig?