My browser (Intenet Explorer) has an unfortunate feature: when I’m typing and hit the backspace key, occasionally the browser decides I really meant to hit the “back” button instead, and it takes me back a screen instead of deleteing whatever’s just to the left of the blinking cursor. This causes me to lose whatever I’ve just been typing - very annoying.
Whose bright idea was this “feature”? And is there any way to turn it off?
Not that I know of. But did you know you’ve got a Forward button, too? You can use that to go back (forward) to the page where you were. It’s up there to the right of Back, see the arrow pointing to the right? Click on that to go Forward (back) to the page where you were.
And if you were typing in the SDMB Reply window here when IE annoyingly transported you Back to the thread proper, it oughta bring back (Forward) your brilliant, witty, carefully composed Reply, intact–at least, it does in IE 5.5 which is what I’ve got.
I don’t think you can disable it, but the programmers of the sites you visit can if they know how. You may want to write an email to them to complain. Maybe they will fix it.
The fix basically involves checking for the backspace key on the body tag and canceling the key before the browser interprets it as the back button being clicked.