Backwoods redneck Georgian theives stole my money!

Okay, nothing against Georgians here, but it is a rant, so bear with me. I ordered some plastic miniatures from this company called New wave located in Georgia. I ordered them online. I purchased about 200 bucks worth of stuff. Three weeks later I get about 20 dollars worth of my order, with the shipping paper indicating the rest is on backorder. So I wait, and wait, and wait frikkin months on end for the rest of my models to come in. 180 dollars! I want something to show for it! I got impatient and repeatedly E-mailed them about my order, getting no response. I even called them long distance all the way from California THREE times, leaving increasingly angry messages on their answering machine demanding they get back to me about the status of the rest of my order. I contacted the better business buraeu about their conduct (HORRIBLE customer service; they take my money and I never hear from them! Grr! :mad: )

Now, I understand some logistical issues here- The company doesn’t stock a lot of merchendise in their warehouse, so they have to backorder a lot. The company they get most of their models from, Games Workshop, has its own retail stores which it stocks first before selling to online retailers (like newwave). But still, the stuff should’ve gotten there by now.

Another thing that really put my BVD’s in a twist was the fact that they charged my card when the order was processed, but before it was shipped. Chances are, the other stuff is lost :frowning: . The good online stores only bill you when they ship the order. There is some good to come of this; I ordered some stuff from, not only did they only bill me when they shipped my order (all of it!) but the guy e-mailed me the day they shipped it and asked me if I could let him know when I got it to make sure it arrived. :slight_smile:

Fucking Georgians.
I have to state as a disclaimer not all Georgians are bastards but…
They have deep ties to the organized crime in Moscow, and the distribution of drugs thruout all of russia… Fucking Bastards… no better than Columbians here in the states… Lets not forget the Most evil Georgian EVER… Uncle Joe. Yep, Stalin the Baddest Geogian ever!
I whole heartedly support your anger against these…

whisper whisper

Oh wait… Um… You mean Georgia here in the states?

Um… I like most of the Georgians I know. Face it not many people take getting called Mouthbreather without getting upset. :slight_smile:

So, maybe you should lay off the Georgians. Feel free to elaborate about the nut munching, animal molesting turds who took your money. Hell, can ya really be sure where the fuckers are from? Not all assholes are home grown. I am sure Georgia imports them like many places.


Are you referring to the New Wave gaming store?

Specifically, are you referring to the New Wave gaming store in Alpharetta, GA?

If so, then I may have some bad news. I am not certain if they had other stores, but I do know the one in Alpharetta (I drive by it every day) has closed. They had aimed for the ‘miniatures/CCG/networked computers’ business model and it seems to not have worked.

Funny thing is, as a gamer, I went only one time. I went to pick up miniatures, and the only human minis they had were female. Saw no males at all. In addition, one of the kids on the networked pcs was reading VERY LOUDLY all the wacky things you don’t want to hear your pilot say or some other spam-e-mail crap. Lastly, I signed up for an impromptu sealed deck tourney (Magic). I saw two kids switching cards, told the judge about it who didn’t check (not that he could, but he should be doing something other than reading a magazine), and he basically said ‘you guys know the rules about switching cards, right?’. Got immediately disenfranchised, played one round, lost, and left, never to return.

Sorry to hijack your post, but if that was their only store, things might not be good for you.

Oh, and one last thing. It is good (and right) to make fun of redneck Georgians (well, not really), but Alpharetta is very much not backwoods and is one of the more upscale suburbs of Atlanta.

Closed? Argh I knew it had to be something bad like that. Well, I’ll never see my money again :frowning: but at least I got closure.

Thank you.

Just be glad you only got robbed.

Deliverance was set in Georgia.

And…you sure got a purty mouth.

If it was during the past 60 days and you paid by credit card you can put the charge in dispute.

Good luck…

"Backwoods redneck Georgian theives stole my money! "

did anyone else read this as backwoods redneck GREGORIAN thieves stole my money?

those crazy chanting monks.