And they all pretend they’re orphans and their memory’s like a train.
You can see it getting smaller as it pulls away.
And the things you can’t remember tell the things you can’t forget.
That history puts a saint in every dream
‘Undone’ is how I felt. It may have been a physical kinda of undone.
I had my staples out and my incision wasn’t quite ready.
I had to have it restitched yesterday.
Man that was kinda horrifying.
I was super over medicated late last night. I don’t process pain meds like most people.
Sorry if, I once again, scared and upset people. I’m trying to not do that. It’s just so hard.
Thx, guys. Y’all always help me.
Love and hugs to all❤️
You’re so right.
It seems my bad feeling was a product of my own making.
It wasn’t nearly as bad as I thought.
The lil’wrekker has forgiven me. In fact she knew, as I should have, it was the meds talking.
She’s such a good girl.