Badgers? We don't need no steenkin' badgers!

Where did this catchphrase come from? I’ve seen it used on this board and at least one other, and this months copy of the Judge Dredd Megazine :confused:

Is it another “all your base are belong to us”?

It’s a parody of a quote from The Treasure of the Sierra Madre:

Stinking badges home page.
The badger transition.

Squink your link doesn’t attribute a date to that cartoon, but it looks fairly recent. The ‘bagers’ version was used at least as far back as Wierd Al’s “Vidiot” which was late 80s vintage.

Cool, no I no longer need to feel left out :slight_smile:

Er, would that be UHF?
The ‘badges’ line was also parodied in Mel Brooks’ History of the World, Part 1.

And in Judge Dredd as “We don’ need no steenkin’ budgies!”

All Your Base Are Belong to Us

Watch the video :slight_smile:

And it was in Blazing Saddles as well.

It was called “The Vidiot from UHF” in some parts of the world, I think.

I clicked on this thread hoping it would be a UHF appreciation thread.

Oh well. I’m off to make myself a Twinkie-wiener sandwich.

My first thought was, “people are getting pretty damned tired of ‘badger badger badger…’” :smiley:

“Perhaps, if we were to build a giant wooden badger…”

You’re not the only one.

“You took…the box. You get NOTHING! YOU’RE SO STUPID!”


And we have a friend named Fred Badger. He hears it no end.

Look closer: 9/14/2004. HTH

I also seem to remember it from a short-lived “sword and sorcery” TV show from the early 80’s which I believe starred Jeff Conaway, but whose name (probably fortunately) escapes me.

Mushroom, mushroom
