Bag your leaves dumbass

It’s not that fucking hard to do. We do it. As does every other person on the fucking block. Why can’t you. We spent a lot of time bagging our leaves so our yard will look nice and now you rake yours onto the fucking street and sidewalk so they can blow back into our yard. Listen up fuckwad. We have a city ordinance that says “you can not rake your leaves onto the sidewalks, into the street, or by the curb.” They’re supposed to be bagged and left for the garbage man to pick up. I understand that you had yesterday off and wanted to sit on the couch scratching your nuts while watching The Outdoor Channel but c’mon. It wouldn’t have killed you to take an extra 15 minutes to bag those motherfuckers. Now we have to go out and rake our yard again because all of your leaves blew into our fucking yard. Thanks a lot dickhead. I’m not sending any Christmas cookies your way this year. Fuck you!

FWIW, I think bagging leaves is stupid. How much sense does it make to take one of the most biodegradable substances on earth and stuff it in a plastic bag? What good does that do?

I’m not trying to impute any noble enviromotives to your (undoubtedly) lazy-ass neighbor, but I do think there are real good reasons for not bagging leaves.

Why should he bag them if you will rake them up when they blow over?

At least that’s probably what he’s thinking… I know many people who take this approach. They get out of raking because most people enjoy a clean yard and as such he can lazily let his leaves blow into others yards while avoiding leaf accumulation himself (because the neighbors on either side presumably have cleaned their yards.)

Here’s what you gotta do. Rake all of his leaves up into a bag and then look for either: An open window where you can give his leaves back to him. Or his mailbox, gutters, car, or any other exposed and vulnerable location. Your other choice is to put a bow on it and give it to him as a Chrismas present.

I’ll bet the bastard used his day off to hang out at the county fair, spending all his quarters on the Leaf Raking Simulator.

I agree with Mr. Ben. Bagging leaves is dumb. When I lived in the burbs we rarely raked our yard; the decomposing leaves are good for the soil and stuff anyway. And I think they’re much prettier than a plain boring green astroturf.

My philosophy: Nature made 'em fall for a purpose…who am I to mess with the original Mother?

That said, I do rake 'em onto our garden bed and let them decompose under the snow. But I don’t bag them and take them completely out of the cycle.


Heh…didn’t see “plastic” bag in the OP.

FWIW, we mulch up the leaves with our mower…bag them in PAPER yard bags…which are taken by the garbagemen to the city compost.

Sorry 'bout the inconsiderate neighbor Rachelle.

In my town they have a street sweeper that comes by every 2 weeks for the expressed purpose of picking up leaves that people rake into the street.

When I first moved here I thought everyone was just incredibly lazy or something, now it sort of makes sense.

Bagging leaves in plastic IS stupid. We don’t need our already overflowing landfills full of that stuff… That said many cities do have a composting yard. If Rachelle is bagging them for that then it is an acceptable alternative. However, some people prefer to let them be in the yard. I don’t control the wind and neither does this guy. Me, I just run them down with the lawnmowers mulcher blade and leave them be. By spring they are all rotted back into the soil leaving tasty nutrients for the grass.
