Are baked chicken wings bad for you?
I assume they count as dark meat.
What do you mean, “bad for you?” They are healthier than fried. How many of them are you planning on eating? In moderation, few foods are “bad for you” unless you are alergic to them or your wife will kill you if you get one more stain on the upholstery.
Well yeah, I figured badness was relative so I avoided GQ as the forum.
Generally though, it seems like things tend to get placed into broad categories of healthy and unhealthy.
Most people consider bake skinless chicken breasts to be in the healthy column.
I’ll add the following qualifiers.
Bad for you as a once or twice a week meal for someone trying to control their diet to drop their bad cholesterol levels and blood pressure a bit.
With those qualifications, I would say no, they aren’t bad for you. If you hit them with a ton of hot sauce, they might just nudge over into the “good for you” column.
Not a problem. I think my new favorite ‘non-buffalo’ wing sauce is Stubb’s wicked chicken wing sauce.
Dark meat is not inherently bad. I think you might be thinking that “dark chicken meat” = “red meat” which isn’t true. There is still a lot less cholesterol and fat in dark meat. It’s just the amount/type of hemoglobin in the muscles, depending on whether it is a fast twitch or slow twitch muscle.
Aren’t chicken wings white meat? I have never heard them called dark meat before.I love legs and thighs myself and while I enjoy hot wings they taste nothing like dark meat.
wings are white meat
Baked wings are going to be much higher in fat than skinless breasts (the skin is very fatty) and are going to taste lousy if you get rid of the skin. Plus, if you’re talking buffalo style wings, the traditional sauce is high in fat, being just butter and hot sauce.
Baked wings may be a bit lower in fat than deep-fried, but I wouldn’t classify it a “health food”. This website says that roasted chicken wings have about 60% of their calories from fat, and are pretty high in sat fat and cholesterol. The drop down box can change the serving size to 1 wing so you can get a better idea of what it looks like.
Wings are gelatinous. Yum.
Wings have a greater surface-area-to-volume ratio; they comprise more skin than other parts of the chicken - this means they contain a higher percentage of fat than other parts of the bird. Baked is usually better than fried, but the difference may be fairly slight here.
On the plus side, they’re not so quick to eat as other things; part of the reason people overeat is the delay between being full and feeling full - eating more slowly should actually mean you need less food in order to feel satisfied.
There are no good and bad foods, only good and bad diets; it is possible to have a bad diet that consists almost entirely of foods that are typically considered ‘healthy’ and it is quite possible to have a good diet that includes moderate quantities of foods people might think of as ‘bad’.
Can you tell I’m from Buffalo?