Baker's Dozen II (Part 1)

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears

Notable Living People with Colors in Their Names

  1. Millie Bobby Brown
  2. Pink
  3. Brian Austin Green
  4. Scarlett Johansson
  5. Ron ‘Tater Salad’ White
  6. Jack Black
  7. Elijah Blue Allman
  8. Erin Gray
  9. Robert Silverberg
  10. Omer Goldman
  11. Vida Blue
  12. Harold Edward “Red” Grange, “The Galloping Ghost”

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Dick Trickle

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Dick Trickle
  7. Robert Plant

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Dick Trickle
  7. Robert Plant
  8. Ulysses S. Grant

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Dick Trickle
  7. Robert Plant
  8. Ulysses S. Grant
  9. Rip Torn

Two tenses, no less.

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Dick Trickle
  7. Robert Plant
  8. Ulysses S. Grant
  9. Rip Torn
  10. Samantha Sang

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Dick Trickle
  7. Robert Plant
  8. Ulysses S. Grant
  9. Rip Torn
  10. Samantha Sang
  11. Bill Withers

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Dick Trickle
  7. Robert Plant
  8. Ulysses S. Grant
  9. Rip Torn
  10. Samantha Sang
  11. Bill Withers
  12. Edgar Lee Masters

Notable people with verbs in their names

  1. Mark Spitz
  2. Robert Burns
  3. Bob Hope
  4. Ben Folds
  5. Britney Spears
  6. Dick Trickle
  7. Robert Plant
  8. Ulysses S. Grant
  9. Rip Torn
  10. Samantha Sang
  11. Bill Withers
  12. Edgar Lee Masters
  13. Elizabeth Barrett Browning


Notable people with towns, states or provinces, geographic regions or countries in their names

  1. Lorraine Hansberry

She wrote the 1957 play A Raisin in the Sun, the first play by an African American woman to be produced on Broadway. At age 29, she became the youngest American playwright and only the fifth woman to receive the New York Drama Critics Circle Award. She was only 34 when she died in 1965.

Notable people with towns, states or provinces, geographic regions or countries in their names

  1. Lorraine Hansberry
  2. Gary Owens

Gary, Indiana, Gary, Indiana, that’s the town the knew me when.

Notable people with towns, states or provinces, geographic regions or countries in their names

  1. Lorraine Hansberry
  2. Gary Owens
  3. America Ferrera

Notable people with towns, states or provinces, geographic regions or countries in their names

  1. Lorraine Hansberry
  2. Gary Owens
  3. America Ferrera
  4. Georgia O’Keeffe


Notable people with towns, states or provinces, geographic regions or countries in their names

  1. Lorraine Hansberry
  2. Gary Owens
  3. America Ferrera
  4. Georgia O’Keeffe
  5. Cuba Gooding Jr.

Notable people with towns, states or provinces, geographic regions or countries in their names

  1. Lorraine Hansberry
  2. Gary Owens
  3. America Ferrera
  4. Georgia O’Keeffe
  5. Cuba Gooding Jr.
  6. Kathy Ireland

Notable people with towns, states or provinces, geographic regions or countries in their names

  1. Lorraine Hansberry
  2. Gary Owens
  3. America Ferrera
  4. Georgia O’Keeffe
  5. Cuba Gooding Jr.
  6. Kathy Ireland
  7. Brittany Snow