Even if it doesn’t happen, I start grinning uncontrollably from ear to ear just thinking it might. Oh Lord, Trump will have a nuclear meltdown. He’ll probably sue. For sure, he’ll blame Obama.
If Baldwin can’t come as Trump, the next best thing would be Obama showing up as President Obama. They’re going to blame him anyway, and he’s really good at dissing Trump and always brightens up the Correspondents’ Dinners.
Both fantastic ideas! But, hey–let Baldwin come, too. Obama can be the utterly gracious straight man, helping “Trump” with solid, sound advice. Meanwhile, the anger translator… yeah, could never happen. But what a great fantasy.
But I am neither a fan of social media nor performance art. They seem to have got him the presidency though.
What his critics fail to comprehend is why he is so popular, when utterly denying that popularity:
“What a card!” said one, laughing joyously. “He’s a rare 'un, no mistake.”
"Of course, this'll make him more popular than ever," said another. "We've never had a man to touch him for that."
"And yet," demanded Councillor Barlow, "what's he done? Has he ever done a day's work in his life? What great cause is he identified with?"
"He's identified," said the speaker, "with the great cause of cheering us all up."*
Obama should only come if Bush and Clinton come too. And maybe Carter. Bush Sr is probably too ill to come, more’s the pity.
A triple/quadruple act of former presidents would be even better than Baldwin turning up. They could poke fun at each other and not mention Trump at all, which would infuriate him more than being made fun of.
That is him showing anger over his staff, not him going ballistic because he was insulted or slighted or touchy over anything.
Without going through the dumb list of presidents, I see Nixon, LBJ and even — very oddly — Reagan were known for explosive tempers.
And apparently poor old Hil too: It’s a difficult job.
Touchy over anything? You mean like the ‘presidential’ speech to Congress that was overshadowed by the Sessions recusal and, as the media is reporting, ‘stole his thunder?’
Funny, but I doubt Nixon, LBJ, or Reagan would have been tweeting their every paranoid delusion if they had had the technology. (Of course, they probably would have had to confiscate Ronnie’s phone in the later years, but then he’d probably have forgotten to tweet anyway.)
So what’s the point here? Others have done it, so it’s OK for Trump? We’ve never seen such an extreme ball of egocentrism, misanthropy, and flat-out gullibility in the White House. It really doesn’t make anything better that other presidents have gotten angry before (duh).