Ballroom dance styles

I’ve started taking a basic ballroom dance class in Saigon and they are teaching a couple of styles that I’d never heard of. One is Boston, which seems to be done to slow waltz music. Wikipedia seems to bear out that Boston is an occasionally used term for the American waltz, but I’ve never really heard of that either. The other is bebop. Of course I know bebop music, but I’ve never heard of the dance. It seems to follow 4/4 music and have the basic pattern of slow-slow-quick-quick-slow-quick-quick-slow, done in six beats. Has anyone else ever learned these styles, or even heard of them?

I’ve heard of American Waltz (but not called “Boston”). There is a difference between American and International Waltz. At a basic level, American is more boxy, while International is more linear.

The “bebop” pattern is the same speed as East Coast Swing (also called lots of other things). How is it danced?

I asked my sister, and she said:

The six-count swing pattern starts on the rocks (slow steps) in some places. So, in that case, it would be rock step, triple, triple. Which ends up being the same as slow-slow-quick-quick-slow-quick-quick-slow.