Ban the Liberals!!

Oh, sure, let the government intrude further into our lives by dictating logic.


** And, predictably, a big, fat government program, and doubtless more taxes to pay for it.


Upon further reflection, I say we band all the liberals. And attach radio collars. In this manner, we can learn the habits of these critters.

That, and I’ll be able to see them coming if I keep posting like this.

Logic. Dictated by the gov’t. Har. That’s the best one I’ve heard in quite some time, manny.

I would think that a bag limit on liberals would be in order.

We’re obviously a minority. We keep frustrating the will of the majority somehow. :rolleyes:

Would we be using fully automatic “assault posts” to bag them?

When they came for the Socialists, I did nothing.

When they came for the bunnyhuggers, I did nothing.

When they came for the greenies, I did nothing.

When they came for the neo-romatics, I did nothing (that’s neo-romantic, dammit, not Adam Ant).

When thay came for the true Liberals, I did nothing.

When they came for the United States (wannabe) liberals, I did nothing.

Damn, I don’t really seem to give much of a shit at all. Just don’t fuck with the self-serving, fencesitter moderates.

Logic dictated by the government! What an outrage! Next they will required that Court decisions be based on logic, not who appointed the judge! Next thing after that, the gubmint will establish schools to teach logic! That’s the last thing you want, the government in charge of brainwashing your children how to think!

I actually heard that last sentence spoken with all sincerety by a woman who home schooled her own children. It would have meant something if she were implying that she could teach her children critical thinking skills. But alas, she meant polluting their minds with various Enlightenment ideas.

[total hijack]

The New Democrats just did in Windsor West

matt does the NDP happy dance (left foot only)

