Ban the Pit!!!!!!!!

by grienspace:

Ummm grienspace, my very first post was in The Pit. Am I proud of it? No. Am I proud of some of The Pit threads that I have started or been a part of? Not all.

What I am saying to you is, if you are going to post a thread in The Pit, you better be aware of what you are opening up. Don’t assume that people can read your mind, if in fact you were actually doing this as a PSA. In this case you erred. Deal with it and let it be.

Also, let Icewolf be, I am sure he or she can figure this out with little or no intervention on your part. Most of us are adults here…so why the “Ban the Pit!!!” title? Think about it.

Bloody keyboard… please chock every mistake in my posts up to an angry Nordic god

Yeah, I’m a newbie. What of it?

I think you’re sadly under-rating yourself and your opponents, grienspace. See, you perceive that there are those on this thread worthy of your (a)insult, (b)derision and ©scorn. This, by your definition, goes part of the way to your own sentience. On the other hand, there are those on this thread who perceive you to be more than worthy of all three.

Besides, why use cliches all the time? “Man to man” sounded boring.

Sounds familiar? From your OP, grienspace. Chill, man, chill! Lest you become what you warn against! (You may have already …)

Oh, by the way – my thanks to Upham and Techchick68.

Why did I think it was you who would challenge my conspiracy assertion? Anyway, your fearless leader oldscratch, after summerizing his lengthy opening post in his Pit Bull thread,where he renews the Pit Bull debate, avoiding the GD debate that had died for several days,had this to say. Read carefully Crunchy Frog, because your name is mentioned.

Its all bullshit is it? Yeah right :rolleyes:

Man, you suck.

Quit trying to make my point for me.

Yeah, every time a bunch of people post to the same thread, and are in agreement on a topic, it’s a conspiracy.

And we’re all conspiring against you.

If only you could figure out why…

I knew a kid back in Elementry School. Let’s call him Jamie Y.

He used to bitch a lot, and try and be tough, and liked to think he was complex, and he was just your general wussy, sniveling little worm.

Every now and then we’d beat the snot out of him. Good times…good times…

The more things change, the more they stay the same.

Yes, I admit it. I am part of the vast triple-digit IQ conspiracy. You may want to put on your tinfoil hat.

grienspace, you are an idiot. Yes, people are mean in the Pit. The front page of the SMDB say, in so many words, that you may get your feelings hurt in the Pit.

Now, about that slow moving boat trailing bait on a long line. What about that, grien?

That not what I said at all. Quit trying to put up a smokescreen. Let Crunchy Frog defend himself.

Now you’re just not making sense, how does that (which a link would be appreciated) have to do with this thread? You started this thread, you are seemingly grasping at all you can to sway the world to your side.

Well grienspace, I don’t even get along with oldscratch, and I agree with him, so it’s a conspiracy when someone agrees with him? I think you need to check your brain as yours seems to be on vacation. You are faced with opposition here, buck it up and deal with it. Just because a majority agree with another person does not make it a conspiracy…

God, he/she musta got the “Abby Normal” brain.

Wouldn’t even begin to try, grienspace. Doubt you recognise one in a needle-making factory.

[quit]Quit trying to put up a smokescreen. Let Crunchy Frog defend himself[/quit]

Hey fool, you’re the one dodging every valid point thrown your way. Crunchy needs defend nothing, you’re the goon who started this, you’re the one who ought to be on the defence.

Notice that absolutly no one has stood up for you even once in this thread? What does that tell you?

I choose to blame that mistake on my subconcious mind begging Grien to give this foolishness up and go away so i can go to bed.

Why don’t you do a search and find why my name may be mentioned. If you didn’t notice, I didn’t even post to the Pit Bull thread. oldscratch and I have never emailed one another, though I doubt you’ll believe that. Do a search about me. I’ve said time and again that I’m an animal lover. I’ve made numerous posts about how I used to volunteer at the local animal shelter rehabilitaing abused animals so they would be fit for adoption again. Some animals, however has to be put to sleep because they could not trust humans any longer. Instead of jumping to comspiracy theories and then wanting to debate your delusions as fact, do some research. I myself have opened a Pit thread in the past about animal abuse.

So you’ve responded to one bit in that entire post of mine debating your bullshit OP. You sound like every other asshole who complained of cliques and people having followers and posses. Shut the hell up until you have some real evidence. Seeing my name listed is not proof of a conspiracy. Maybe my posts about animal protection helped inspire oldscratch. And besides, how does listing me in the OP mean there’s a conspiracy to attack people in the Pit? That list was people who helped and inspired him for the OP and has no bearing on the rest of the thread as far as I can see.

Go back and debate the rest of my post if you can put two coherent thoughts together. And why don’t you stop avoiding the question I’ve been asking in every post since you made that comment: what did you mean in your post to Upham.

BTW- it’s midnihgt here and means it’s time for me to go home from work. So don’t start saying I’m avoiding your arguments if you don’t hear from me in a while.

I’m tired of this elitist crap - why wasn’t I invited to be part of this conspiracy? Huh? :rolleyes:

Oh man! Grienspace, please print out your posts and market them as the greatest comedy of all time.

G: I never said ban the pit (Yes, grien, it’s not an exact qoute, you wanna bitch and gripe about this too?)

I laugh in your face Grienspace.
Lick my hairy, brown, newbie bungole, you piece of moldy horse shit on a stick.

As for YOU bringing up the post totals of Ice Wolf and Crunchy Frog, what help does that add to your very weak argument.

Someone’s finger slips while they are laughing uncontrollably and typing at the same time, they misspell something, you point it out and that makes you better than them. :rolleyes:

What do you accomplish when you bitch?


You have caused more destruction to yourself which you and only you have brought upon… (guess who?) YOU!

Oooohhh LaDeeDah! I am the great Grien, there is no greatness in the SDMB without me.


You are a newbie, does that mean you are not capable of a good post? NO! Then why does someone elses post count affect the manner of their threads? You are not capable of a good post because you live in your own world and are a prick.

You are the biggest hypocrite of a small doouchebag (did I spell that well enough for you Grien) of man known to the SDMB.

Before you go throwing around the “T-word” you should stop and look at your own actions.


So let me get this straight… oldscratch starts a thread for the sole purpose of Fighting Ignorance - that it, pointing out the errors of thinking to people who have wrong ideas about Pit Bulls - and grienspace takes that thread as an “attack”?

You saw it here first, folks… grienspace admits to being Ignorance Incarnate.

Listen grienspace. This is the pit. I am by no means a “pitizen”, but, for some reason I felt compelled to respond. I’ll go line by line, because trying go at this in one fell swoop is to much for this newbie to tackle effectively.

It is true that people often get their asses handed to them here. You know what though? Most of the time, they deserve it. Sure it isn’t always pretty, but then again, neither is life. Sometimes when subtle reminders that one’s logic is not up to par are ignored, one has to switch to the more forthright brick to the frontal lobe approach. Often for the person concerned, it can be painful.

Luckily they have several options available, some make things better, others make it worse. The best method to calm everyone down is to issue a simple apology saying more or less “Whoops, my bad”. To the best of my knowledge, every time this has been done, the so called “pit bullies” have said “Hey that’s all right”, and life has gone on. This is a good thing. On the opposite end of the spectrum, we have your response, which is to kick and scream and carry on in a manner most unbecoming a fighter of ignorance. This usually goes over about as well as a turd in a punchbowl. This, I think is safe to say, a bad thing. If you learn nothing else from this post, please learn this.

Anybody with half a brain who has been here for more than a week knows what happens in the pit. Not really the best of arguments, if I may say so. Kind of like saying anybody who falls off of a ladder can get pissed at the ladder company because they weren’t aware of gravity.

How’s that line go again? “First rule about that SD clique: There is no SD clique?”. To this let me just say that nobody in the pit is so important as to require a mass coordinated effort to flame. You are no exception.

See the above comments.

Basically, what I’m trying to say is, the pit serves a purpose, and is here to stay. While you may feel the purpose it serves differs vastly from the intended purpose, I think a majority of posters on this board feel different. Also, to make things a bit easier for you, please note, I said a majority, not all. There are many well respected posters who feel the pit serves no major purpose. They have said as much. Look at those threads. See how they went about stating their cause and how they accepted the fact that the pit is here to stay (hint: generally goes along the lines of “I do not like it. I will not go there.”). See how happy everybody is as a result?. Please learn from their efforts. It can only do you a world of good.
[sub]please feel free to overlook any major typo’s. I spilt a particularly delicious blend of wasabi and soy sauce on my keyboard the other day. It has not been the same since. Although every time I lick it…[/sub]

I’m pissed off, because these guys I listed above, did not have the guts to participate in a running great debate.(link provided within the link I will provide). According to oldscratch,at the top of his opening post, Point #3 he was petitioned by several people to start an alternate thread on Pit Bulls. At the bottom of his opening post, he gives thanks to all those who helped him. If it was his intent to fight ignorance, he would have jumped in the great debate. But the numbers that opposed his view scared him and his buddies off, so they secretly conspired by their own admission later, to prepare an opening post (at a minimum),in the Pit. Oldscratch didn’t even have the courtesy to provide a link in GD even though he liberally slandered a few people from GD. I was fortuitously made aware of this development,nevertheless, and I had to respond to his stupid argument and slander of individuals. The thread got locked before I completed a response in aid of cartooniverse.The title of this thread was designed to get his attention.I want him to carry on in GD and carry on a sentient debate, without character assassination.

So you see, the conspiracy is presenting a false impression of the political environment in order to bolster the validity of a position. Its no different than having a sock puppet except in this case I should say several sock puppets.Hey, its like the alliance on survivor.
By the way, I do not respond directly to snotty requests. If Upham really needs an answer, he can ask nicely.