"Band name" "Jump the shark" And other moronic cliches


Me like pie.

Two Words: Pit Thread.

HAHAHAHAHAHA!!! Get it? Handy?!?

:dies laughing:

Anyway, I honestly think Epitome of Wit would be a killer band name.

Isn’t there a subtle irony in the fact that the poster bemoaning the use of cliched catchphrases normally has a Simpson’s quote for a sig?

I think I got to that before you.

I still dont understand the “jump the shark” thing. I guess I am stupid enough to jump over a shark while surfing—okay, never mind.

And the first name is “Chuck,” not “Dave” but I didn’t know he even had a pathetic signature bit.

“It’s a trap” ? I don’t get it.

Is it an action movie cliche, along the lines of “We’re taking this all the way, man” and “Let’s do it!” ?
– Ukulele Ike, lead guitar for 10,000 Test Posts

All your Pie are belong to SDMB.:smiley:

The point was not that ski-jumping a shark was inherently “bad,” but that the episode signalled the decline of the series. From that point on, the world’s “coolest” dude began doing things such as getting respectable (steady job, wife, kid, the works). That episode might have just been one more silly episode in a series that never lacked them, but (in the views of Sean Connolly and buddies) it was the sign that the show could never recover its own coolness. (For more info, click on the FAQ at the site.)


I am shocked that so many people would deny a fuzzy cuddly puppy a treat just to post Band Name to this thread. How heartless can you be?

Kal actually, yes a little. Although it would be more if I used one of the early Bart T-Shirt phrases such as a “Don’t have a cow man”. That would be filled with rich creamy irony. The current one doesn’t really have much cliche value sadly enough.

atarian- I was pretty sure. Along with the obligitory “Lamest Rant Ever” post- certain things are almost automatic in the Pit. That’s why its such a great place. So much concentrated smart-ass in one place. Although nobody posted “if that’s the worst thing you have to worry about” yet.

Oh and not to forget— MMMmmm pie.

Sig for Kal:

[lame Steve Martin gag line] Well, EXCUUUUSE me! [/lame Steve Martin gag line]

Does that show my age?

You’ve inspired me, elf6c. Now I just have to see how many lame gags I can possibly post. So far, I’ve only pissed off two people. Damn! I know I can do better. Too bad this isn’t in person, 'cause the way you say some things can make them lame innuendos.

Lame Innuendos is a real cool band from the Austin area…

[Homer Simpson]Is there no place in this world for the man with the 105 I.Q.?[/Homer Simpson]

Sorry, what exactly is so wrong about having a convenient shorthand like “jump the shark”? Yes, I suppose we could all be all erudite and write out “I believe the program has passed its zenith and is inevitably sliding to its nadir” but gee, “jumped the shark” is so much easier to type.

And this is my final answer.

I think, but I’m not sure, that they’re alluding to the Fark cliche of inserting Admiral Akbar (from Return of the Jedi) into photoshops, complete with his signiture “It’s a trap!” line.

Say what you want, I LIKE being able to use obscure phrases and references that completely confuse my friends. Though I have never used “Jump the Shark” because that is a little too obscure, my latest favorite “when come back, bring pie” causes guffaws of hilarity to ensue. Ok…so it’s only for me, but hey, what good is reading a message board full of some of the smartest people on the web if you can’t get a couple of great obscure jokes to confound your less intelligent friends with. I nearly sent one lady I work with into convulsions trying to figure out what I meant by “Lo Bob! You like pie?” Stop posting cliche’s? Give your head a shake. What’d’you hear? That’s cause there’s nothing in there. (obscure military cliche used by drill instructors for eons to correct the innattentive and unwary.)


If you keep bitching about this, the terrorists have -


Of course, what everyone neglects to mention is that “jump the shark” is irrelevant because Happy Days (the series that spawned the “jump the shark” episode) was never cool in the first place. It always sucked. That said,

“Ayyyyyyy!” (with both thumbs up)

People who say jump the shark has jumped the shark have jumped the shark.

For all you Farkers out there, who else thinks The Big Nut Squirrels featuring Mustard Man is a great name for a band? :slight_smile:

this thread is teh funnay,

PICS. NOW!!!111!!1
