Bands that should retire

What groups can you think of that have long lived past your expiration date?

My favorite band should be on the top of the list: The Who. I love their music and I love to watch Pete play, but Townshend’s creative well ran dry long ago and the setlist has been on repeat for 15 years. With Pete announcing a year-long sabbatical, I’m kind of hoping they hang it up for good and enjoy a well-earned retirement.


The Who died with the Ox. What you are watching these days is the world’s most expensive Who cover band.

The Rolling Stones are no longer a going concern. They haven’t been in decades.

Kiss, so stupid!

Time Is Not on Their Side, no it’s not.

Pretty much all of those bands whose last living member staggers out onto the stage to croak out a song that wasn’t all that great to begin with.

Any band that has performing members that are old enough draw social security in America. The thought of a bunch of grandpas struttin’ on the stage conjures a feeling of desperation; in both performer and admirer. It’d be like attending a taping of an Eloquis commercial.

AC/DC and The `Stones come to mind. King Crimson was touring through here this week. I considered it, but those guys are old.

Came here to say this. They’re still one of my favorite bands, but it’s time to put away the greasepaint. Or license the name/look/sound or something, if you must.

The last ORIGINAL member counts too.

Guns N Roses.

Paul McCartney, although I would like to see him again before he retires permanently.

Yes. At least as a band. Play shows all you want, but bill it as “Steve Howe plays Yes songs”.

Imagine Dragons (or, as l like to call them, “Imagine Talent”) because they suck and need to stop making “music”.

Shunpiker, I think I already responded to your questions about the show in another thread.

I had the same concerns, but I also figured that Fripp (71) was going to be sitting on his stool at the back like he always has. Tony Levin (71) is still going strong on bass and Chapman stick. Mel Collins does a good job, but does seem a bit tired. The drummers (all 3) still have a lot of energy. The last times I saw KC, they were not playing any tracks from the first several albums (except an encore of "“21st Century Schizoid Man”), but they made it clear that this tour WOULD include some earlier material. In any case, they are playing some good music (and for a loooong show).

Billy Joel. My wife and I went to see him and it was just a tired show in all respects. The worse part is that he plays the big venues and charges some premium ticket prices, so we ended up with some poor tickets with semi-obstructed views. (Retirees can’t always afford the floor seats.) Another problem we had at his show (as well as at many shows recently) is that the audience includes a whole lot of jerks. I know it’s not the artist’s fault, but it certainly makes me think that attending would only be worth the time, money, and irritation if the performance is first-class. If it’s not, the performer should just pack it in and enjoy his/her royalties.

Daltrey is coming to my neck of the woods next weekend. Was going back and forth as to whether I should spring for a ticket…

Journey. They don’t even have their lead singer anymore, and their music has really gotten stale on classic rock and classic hits stations. I was supposed to see them with some friends a few years ago, but fortunately the venue got flooded and I didn’t have to go.

The lamest live show I ever saw was a way-past-expiration-date James Brown. It made me think “Won’t someone just let this guy rest in peace?”.

This is who I came in here to mention. Yes has always been one of my favorite bands, but they were pushing it by continuing on without Anderson. Squire’s death should have been the final nail in the… er, the last straw.

I never thought I’d say this, but I’m actually looking forward to the Anderson-Rabin-Wakeman thing. Or at least, it’ll be interesting to see what they come up with. But they really shouldn’t bill themselves as “Yes featuring…” The only people who will care know who you are, guys. ABWH worked, ARW can work, too.