Just happened to hear “Double Shot (of My Baby’s Love)” (1965) by The Swingin’ Medallions while shuffling 60s songs the other day. It reminded me, of course, of Delta House’s rendition of “Louie, Louie” in Animal House, with a bunch of guys just just singing together and having a good time. No elaborate harmonies, different members inserting odd words here and there, and a general sense of a party in the basement. (No offense to the group…I love it.) As I recall, there were at least four vocalists in the band and nobody really took any lead vocals in this particular song, though this wasn’t true of all of the songs they performed.
What other bands did this sort of thing? It was sort of unusual and that added immensely to the charm.
The Beach Boys, with “Barbara Ann”, come to mind.
I don’t know. If you consider the “spoken” part to be a lead vocal, it doesn’t make the cut. I probably should have emphasized that I’m looking for songs where they all sing all the lyrics…verses, choruses, and whatever. Extra points if they just sing random stuff during the intro and breaks.
Maybe not quite what you had in mind, but I’ve always liked Zappa.
I had not given him a thought! Thanks! They did do a lot of that, though it was usually mixed in with a couple lead vocals.
Chumbawamba - Tubthumping
(How do yall get YouTube videos to show up in the post? If I just post the URL it says “An error occurred: Sorry, you can’t embed media items in a post.”)
I feel like a few punk songs do this, but mainly on the chorus. “Nellie the Elephant” by the Toy Dolls and “Carnival in Rio (Punk Was)” by Die Toten Hosen come to mind off the top of my head.
You have to hit Reply before Discourse can load the preview.
You can’t let the preview complete. There are several techniques. Your paste&post submits the post before the preview completes, mobile view doesn’t generate previews, the preview pane can be turned off in desktop.
This is how I usually do it: turn off the preview pane before pasting the link into the post.
If I understand correctly, it still may not work if that same video has already been posted elsewhere; but you can get around this by posting a link that starts 1 or more seconds into the video.
Or set the timer for 0, which is the beginning. That’s how I got the video here to post after being too slow with hitting Reply.
Yes, and the reason seems to be the same preview bug thing again. Change the link, even in a meaningless way, and the links can be posted again unless previewed.
They’re another one I should have picked up on, though there are several soloists singing different parts.
I really was trying to identify bands/groups where everybody sings every part. I don’t think the brothers of Delta House would have stopped to let Bluto take the next verse.
Just dawned on me that a lot of tracks recorded by The Association use a choral technique that is very similar to what I’m seeking. In their case, usually five vocalists singing, but with a few specific parts taken by a vocalist or two.