Bangladesh tower fire

Are those air conditioning compressors on the exterior of the high rise building?
And why are there so many?
I don’t know how they set up a tall building for HVAC in Bangladesh. Do you?

They are the compressors of a “mini-split” system.
I would guess that the building didn’t have central AC when it was built, and these were added later. Each system can handle several rooms, so you need a lot of them.

Thanks Beowulff.
Seems odd in a place as hot and humid as Bangladesh that a building would not have central AC in the design.

Central AC is common in many places but splits are much cheaper to install.

Mini-splits are very common throughout Asia. It’s hot so you need a/c, but not only are mini-splits cheaper to install, the tenants pay for the electricity to run them, and they’re not dependent on a central cooling tower or internal plumbing. I suppose it is possible to meter a central system with flow meters and such, but that’s even pricier.