Baseball HoF ballot announced--Does Darryl Kile belong?

Thanks again. White Lightning… you seem to be answering all of my questions.

Good grief. I am not believing someone be do something so sick. He should have been fired. Maybe his is coming.

Thanks, BobT, I didn’t know that.

I’m already on record as a NO for Kile and a revamping of the ‘death acceleration’ program.

But I’d like to see EVERYONE who played 10 full seasons make it on the ballot. Jim DeShaies ‘give me one vote’ campaign last year was really funny. And having all people with the longevity ont he ballot would help place the winners and the ‘just barely nots’ in perspective.

I’m quite surprised at some of the players they left OFF the ballot. IMHO, the ballot should include anyone who played ten years as was a regular for a good stretch of time. The induction decision should be made by the voters, NOT the nomination committee. Kile absolutely should be on the ballot. He will not be elected, but that’s a decision the electors must make, not the nominators.

I would have put Gubizca, Seitzer, Gagne and Smiley on the ballot, too. None are HoFers, but they were good players and should have been listed.