There was a brief thread about this a year ago, but I’m thinking it’s time for another one. has an awesome list of stuff said in various IRC channels. Now, it’s quite possible a lot of it’s made up crap, but even so… it’s still pretty damn funny.
Bear in mind, too, that most of the authors are teenage boys.
Anyway, it can be addictive, sitting here, reading the dopey quotes… over… and over… and over… and
That’s my all-time favorite site to visit when I am bored beyond belief. I got addicted to it when it was first mentioned here, and bookmarked it immediately.
Kids or not, that place is a quiet riot. It’s also a great time-killer at work. I highly recommend it. My fave is the one about “I can wait to become rich and famous for inventing something that lets you stab somebody over the internet in the face with a pair of scissors”…it’s in the top ten, last I checked.
Trust me, our fascination with our <3 doesn’t hold a candle to our fascination with your ( . ) ( . )
Well, not yours specifically. I mean, I’m sure they’re lovely, I just meant, y’know, female type folks in general. Well, excluding the non-human type females. Well, than again, there are some folks who are a bit kinkier than the average, err, bear.