Bass Players?

I have been playing electric bass for a couple years now, and I have seriously been thinking of getting rid of my Mexican made Fender P-bass and upgrading to an American made one (I also have a Warwick, as well as a Gibson). What differences can I expect with the American made model? Any differences in sound at all? Is it worth it?

I have an American-made Fender Jazz Bass, and I’m not ignoring your question. I just don’t know the answer, since I’ve never played the model you own. I, too, would be interested to know how the two compare.

Incidently, I found the Fender bass difficult to play. I bought a Rickenbacker about six years ago and enjoy it so much I don’t really play the Fender any more. But this is so subjective it’s hardly worth bringing up.

Except I just did. Oops.
Good luck, I hope some else here can help.

I have played a lot on a friend’s 5-string fender jazz bass, and it is difficult to play, well, when compared to other models I have owned and played.

No answer to your question, but what is your Gibson?
I have a Grabber and a Ripper.
Love the way the Ripper plays, and the way the Grabber sounds.

The gibson is just a Les Paul standard bass, 4 string. Nothing fancy.