I was starting to have faith in the entertainment potential of television. Really I was. Why? An amazing little show on NBC called Freaks and Geeks, which, with uncanny accuracy, portrayed the lives of those of us who weren’t jocks, cheerleaders, or student council members in high school. It showed life through the eyes of the outsiders, trying painfully hard to fit in and failing miserably. They’d say stuff that would make me feel embarrassed for them!
Every actor on the show was goddamn fucking brilliant. By the time the second episode aired, it was my favorite show on TV, hands down. It made me howl with laughter and even sniff back tears on a couple of occaisions.
NBC, in their infinite wisdom, did not promote the show at ALL! Can I get a show of hands from everyone who saw a commercial for Freaks and Geeks? Okay, now who saw commercials for Providence? That’s what I thought.
Well, anyway, it’s been cancelled. One of maybe 3 or 4 decent shows on television and it’s fucking gone forever after just a few short episodes. FUCK NBC!!! FUCK THOSE FUCKING FUCKERS! Eh, sorry, I’m not too good at flaming, but you get my point.
Hopefully the show will get picked up by another network, but I’m not holding my breath. Not that any of you care about this anyway, because, judging from the ratings, none of you ever saw it. Oh well. Sometimes you just gotta vent, you know?
`They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety’
I feel your pain neutron, I did watch Freaks and Geeks and it was very good. This almost happened to another of my faves, That 70’s Show until FOX actually did something semi-intelligent and gave it a second chance, now its a hit. TV execs rely too much on numbers not content. Its sad, but I guess its the biz.
Screw you NBC !!
I gave up network television years ago when they cancelled “Covington’s Cross” (or however it was spelled).
It was a great medieval show about a noble family with all sorts of interesting adventures. The opening sequence featured a fierce (and very serious-looking) swordfight raging between the two brothers until the father marches in and shouts “STOP! If I’ve told you once… I’ve told you a million times… NO FIGHTING IN THE CASTLE!” And of course having grown-up as a redheaded tomboy with two older brothers, I could completely identify with the free-spirited daughter.
Oh well… I guess you had to be there. What a great show! Damn them for cancelling it!
NBC is probably the best for cancelling shows that shouldn’t be cancelled. One show they cancelled because nobody was watching was a little known series called Star Trek. The first time they tried to cancel it, a tremendous letter writing campaign got it a reprieve. But after that, the network did everything it could to make sure it couldn’t survive, including constantly moving its time slot. I guess they just wanted to say, “We were right.”
How about The Discovery Channel hypin’ that “Mammoth Dig.” They started talking about it in early November for a March 12th showing? Boy, was that disappointing. All they did was dig up a big block of ice with some hair stickin’ out of it, hooked it to a helicopter, flew it to a dock somewhere, dropped it there, and ended the freakin’ show. That sucked!
I’d disagree (though I’ll never forgive NBC for their shoddy treatment of Homicide. Man, that show used to be brilliant…). I think that ABC is unparalleled for its ability to kill off intelligent, well-written, well-acted shows. Exhibit A: My So-Called Life. Exhibit B: Cupid (that show was brilliant, too). And they’re doing their level best to kill off Sports Night. Damn network execs and the self-fulfilling prophecies they call ratings!
Here’s the strange thing about Sports Night, too…everyone I know who watches that show watches it faithfully, and they’re all upper middle income, white-collar professionals, 21-40. In short, a fantastically desirable advertising demographic! Why they haven’t done more to promote it, I haven’t a clue–seems like it could make them a lot of money. (Okay, so it’s quirky. And the actors use big words. And it’s a half-hour show which sometimes feels like it should be an hour. Bite me.)
Providence? Never heard of it. (Seriously.) Have heard of Freaks & Geeks, but I only watched it once because I found it incredibly stupid and unrealistic.
And, no, I wasn’t one of the “popular” kids, I was the one it was “cool” to hate. So was my fiancé, who also found it awful.
hmm… i never even watched these networks because i dont know what channels they are on. The only channels i watch are fox(simpsons) comedy central(the daily show) and sci fi channel(lots of stuff :))