First, they cancelled Freaks & Geeks after only 8 episodes (which was a damn good show), then they cancel Clerks after only 2! Come on, 2 episodes? Give it a fuckin’ chance.
They can keep a show like Boy Meets World, but can’t keep Clerks? Now that’s just retarded.
Hell, I didn’t even get a chance to see it! Considering the material, I am surprised it even got on at all! If you go to the Ain’t It Cool website, you can download a bit that was censored from the second episode.
Dilbert & Family Guy have apparently been cancelled (with a couple eps of each left). God, the Devil, and Bob was cancelled (low ratings? yeah, right).
Shows like these usually get cancelled because the majority of viewers don’t “get it”.
The network zombies try to make shows that offend no one. And what does that mean? Full House, Family Matters, Boy Meets World, and so forth.
Personally, I found Clerks to be extremely funny. However, I have a really odd sense of humor… I would imagine that Clerks would be a bit too random and non-linear for a lot of the viewers out there.
What’s this? A calm, collected Pit post? Sorry 'bout that…
Goddamn it all to flying fucking hell! Those piece of shit assholes don’t know what the fuck they’re doing!
Man, what a disappointment. The animation was pretty good, but the writing was unbelievably bad. I don’t know if the guys who did the movie were involved. They sure went down hill quick. Clerks (the movie) was great, but then “Chasing Amy” sucked and so did this last abortion, “Dogma”. Didn’t even make it to the end of that one.
I hope this doesn’t offend you, but even as a fan of random and non-linear humor I thought the show was not only awful, but practically un-watchable. To paraphrase what Trumpy said, “I didn’t get it”.
I watched the episode where the clerks are being sued. The thin clerk (I can’t even remember their names) was really just too stupid, kind of like many of the really bad “ultra-dumb-Homer” episodes the Simpsons has had. The large clerk wasn’t so bad, but neither was he interesting. Several of the characters seem to have been lifted from the Simpsons and Southpark.
Perhaps if it had been on for a few more episodes I would have got it. I hated the first couple King of the Hill episodes, but it improved dramatically mid-season and has had some incredibly funny episodes lately, like when Connie gets her period…
i saw the second half of the second show and couldn’t stop lafing. i thought it was a great show, but to be on ABC was a suprise. i mean there’s a seen where two kids alude to makeing a rainy day porno tape, and this is on a network that mickey own’s. i thought that was a ballsy move to even show a show like that. to bad it’s canceled. tomeany good shows get caned. fuck
Well, since Miramax produced the movie, Disney owns all the rights to anything Clerks related (being that Disney owns Miramax). So Kevin Smith was just shit out of luck when it came to the network it aired on. I’m pretty sure FOX would’ve glady picked it up and aired it.
There were 6 episodes slated for release. Of course, only 2 aired. Smith has said that there will be a DVD release with all 6 episodes on it later this year. I guess I can hold it out for that.
Of course, it doesn’t help that ABC began airing “Clerks” in the summer. Artilces published BEFORE it went on the air noted that as a sure-fire way to doom a show.
P.S. Maybe they can still air it on Comedy Central at some point?
Once again, I enjoyed it (especially that one huge bit on the first episode where they were making fun of Anime… hehehehehe!!), but like I said, I have a very bizarre sense of humor. Anyone that’s read some of the stories at my site would see that…
vandal – well, I liked Freaks and Geeks and was somewhat sad to see it gone. I thought it had real potential. But Clerks was just too stupid beyond real to be accepted. I didn’t like it at all. I thought it was banal. Pointless. Very much like Boy Meets World. (Which, now, very sadly, is in syndication.) Sorry but BOTH of those programs sucked. I think the only reason BMW was kept was due to some influence… Clerks just didn’t have that family pull. Such are the ways of commercial TV… perhaps that is why I spend most of my TV time on Channel 7 (the local PBS affiliate).
You know, I was briefly involved with a group to put together an ameteur TV show for PBS… I was actually in charge of writing the script. But it kinda petered out, and nothing came of it… pity…
Sorry to get off the topic, but does anyone know if there are plans to release the Family Guy episodes to video or DVD? That was one of my favorite shows (and Freaks and Geeks ::sniff::).
I “got” Clerks, but I can see how it got cancelled. ABC thinks we are a “Boy Meets World” kinda world. In other words, they think we’re nose-picking idiots.
I would like to see Clerks on either Fox, or better yet, HBO. But with Disney involved, we won’t likely see that happen.