I hate when they show about 10 episodes of a show and it simply disappears…for no apparent reason.
For example…last summer I was right into that show Vengeance Unlimted, maybe you know it, maybe you don’t…wouldn’t be surprised.
Maybe I should move this to the barbeque pit…but I’m not really mad enough for a rant post…just a little teed off.
T.V execs are fucked up bigtime…talk to you all later, got to watch Full House…cringes
Some years ago, NBC had a show called Unsub (which stands for “unknown subject”). It was a mixture of Quincy and The X-Files and was way creepy. Dunno why it was dropped if X-Files is doing so well, it sure had me glued to the screen.
I feel it necessary to point out the biggest travesty in the history of network television - the cancellation of Stark Raving Mad. What the hell were those pin-heads thinking. Tony Shaloub is GOD.
As far as Clerks go … I didn’t think they would be able to pull it off anyway. First of all, the humor is an acquired taste. Do you really think the same people who couldn’t concieve of missing “Erkle” can grasp Kevin Smith? I think not. Besides, with out all the cussing, it just ain’t the same.
I think what happened to “Family Guy” was that they committed to a full season of shows, but waited until the ratings didn’t matter (read: summer) to show them. GOOD!! I like the show.
Howzabout “God, the Devil, and Bob”? Thirteen episodes were made, but only 4 were broadcast. Hopefully, some cable channel like Comedy Central will pick up the whole batch.