Batten The Hatches- A Dark and Stormy MMP

Fortunately, once my divorce was finalized, there wasn’t much of that paperwork.

Despite some bread and a birthday cupcake, I’m now at 26# down since early March.

This week is my major professional convention, which is online this year. I didn’t register for the conference itself, but I’m taking many continuing education workshops online, which means on the treadmill! Each workshop is 2.5 hours long. That will kick up my distance and use of hand weights.

I’ve read little & retained nuthin’ since last, but … I am at the Sudsy Laundromat wid’ de blue roof. I have come to dis place since I moved in, largely because an elderly no-nonsense lady ruled the joint with an iron fist.
(And also took judgy/pity on me one day, but that’s beside the point.)

But holy socks, Batman! There’s some newbie running the 'mat and literally a child spinning a laundry wheeler in circles.
I usually leave my crap, set a timer and go to the store or whatnot until my laundry is done. At minimum I leave my car unlocked the five feet between pavement and doorsill.

clutches pearls

My word. Now my closest laundromat is no better than common riffraff.
Come back, iron fisted lady!

And all ya have to worry about is tops, hair, a little makeup… no bottoms needed, amirite? :wink:

So is ours until Irish Storyteller finishes pressure-washing it.

I had a cat carry a bird into the house through the cat door, so that doesn’t stop them. Not sure what will, actually, except time; that cat of mine got old and gave up chasing the birdies. I wonder if belling the cat would make it harder for her to catch the birds?

I was feeling a little down earlier so wasn’t going to post. I won’t go into the whole story why. Let’s just say I got discouraged seeing some anti-science-y stuff from a couple of former students–bright formers students. I didn’t teach science, but I did teach research and logic. Anyway, it was dispiriting. Then I got home and found a card from a friend thanking me for helping her through a rough patch, and the world looks sunnier.

cookie, baklava is a cure-all, honey. :slight_smile: Good luck with the valve.

I’ve developed a fondness for honey whiskey (or whisky, but I like the key spelling).

shoe, I have a divided sink, too. It is a pain for cleaning bigger items. I wish I had a solution for you.

MetalMouse, I like bacon bits on a salad, myself, as long as they’re the real kind and not the soy kind. Oo, and avocado and tomato! I think I’m hungry. Maybe it’s BLT time.

You have reminded me… EC has a bell on her collar, but I had another cat that was a real bird hunter and I fixed his little red wagon with these
This makes the cat very visible to birds and gives them a chance to get away. I still have some of these. I think I’ll dig them out and put one on EC. :+1:t3:

We’re supposed to get hit in the DC area early tomorrow morning, but the last I read it’s coming through quickly. It could get nasty, but at this point it’s uncertain.

Here’s what it looks like on the previous cat (not EC).
Yeah, the other cats snicker and point a little. But the birds are relieved.

@Thelma Lou : Birdsbesafe Cat Collar Cover : Pet Supplies

I shudder to think what my kittens would do to me if I even thought about putting one of these on them, much less approached them with one. Heck they would most likely eviscerate me the second I hit the ‘place order’ button on Amazon.

We were short help, so I sorted the entire sort, putting the boxes on the train cages for loading. We were short truck loaders, so I got sent to the other side to unload the cages I just loaded, and put them in the package cars for scanning. Then I went over to Canadian Dave’s and watched the Canes beat the Rangers. :ice_hockey: :smiley: :ice_hockey:

Can I have your share?

We had a bowling ball in a busted box today.

Shoe, I’d happily do your dishes for you. If you were closer.

here ya g o

That cat looks fab-u-lous! :d&r:

Ab fab!

shoe, we used to have a combination bar, burger joint and laundromat in Nashville called The Family Wash . It was fun to go to, even when you didn’t have laundry to do. Have you ever noticed that most laundromats have a bar and/or convenience market that sells beer next door? Gotta do something to kill a couple of hours. :stuck_out_tongue:

Can birds see color?


Useful in spotting ripe fruit.

I just put one on EC and she hasn’t even seemed to notice it.

75 now, with a predicted low of 72 and a 30% chance of thorms after 0200. Bunnies have had their water bottles and food hoppers topped off. Hot dogs, mash, baked beans and corn for supper. Didn’t think to pick up buns, so folks will have to settle for bread…