Batten The Hatches- A Dark and Stormy MMP

Today’s Kitty Chronicles - I believe we have Kitty Detente!

Things are going very well and they’ve actually played together a little (chasing the same laser dot and crinkle ball, playing hide & seek around a Jungle box, etc.). There was a little bit of butt-sniffing this morning and they’ve been trading places on favorite spots like windowsills all day. Sometimes Twister will be in a favored spot and Phoenix just sits nicely and looks at her. And sometimes Phoenix sits and looks at me as if to say “WTF have you done?!?!”

Right now, Phoenix has the zoomies and Twister is sitting nicely. She’s also come to me several times for petting.

I’m pretty sure Twister has used Phoenix’s litter box a couple of times but I haven’t heard any complaints about it. As long as they use the boxes, I don’t care. Maybe since they’re both spayed females it doesn’t bother either one of them? Twister hasn’t accompanied me to the bathroom yet (Phoenix always does) but I’m sure that Phoenix will teach her these things in due time!

I am very pleasantly surprised at how well this has gone so far. :cat2: :heavy_plus_sign: :cat2: = :smile:

Butt-sniffing? They’re going to be fine.

Mazel tov! On the new kitty BTW

Up, caffeinated, and sheveled, off to work. Ihave to drag Princess Pretty Paws off the porch befre I go.

Miss_Owl , good thatnthey are getting used yo each other quick.

Good Mornin’ Y’all! Up and caffeinatin’. YAWN ‘Tis 72 Amurrkin out and clear (moony?) with a predicted high of 94 and mostly N.O.S. for the day. Today is laundry day. Yippee. I am thinkin’ some quality cee-mint pond time is in store as well. Sup shall be chikin 'n dumplin’s and some kind of vegetative matter TBD. Our life continues to be a whirlwind.

Miss_Owl glad the kittehs are gettin’ use to each other. Seems to be goin’ pretty quick.

Thel that looks like a clown collar. All the other cats will point and laugh.

Nellie folks are goin’ to believe what they want to believe. You can’t fix stoopid.

Now I need more caffeine and to feed rumbly tummy. Then, onward into the day! Rah.

Happy Tuesday Y’all!

Morning, mumpers! Cloudy and cool here today, much better than all that sunshine and heat. I am doing laundry this morning - another bonus to working at home, I get to do chores during the day instead of evenings and weekends.

Miss Owl glad to hear the kittehs are getting on ok, sounds like they have got themselves sorted out quickly and are settling down to be friends.

Thel I could try one of those colourful collars on Shadow, he has a fondness for bringing things in from the garden but I suspect he would just eat the collar instead. I used to put one on him with a bell but they rarely lasted more than a day or two. He’s not bothered with outside today, he’s asleep on a magazine in the corner of the bathroom instead.

We have a healthy supply of alcohol in the house, the tequila and triple sec order arrived yesterday so we’re ready for Margaritas on Friday. I just need to top up the vodka supply when we go grocery shopping tomorrow and espresso martinis will be on the cards too.

Got lots going on at work just now, loads of things I Don Twanna…but I hafta. Cats will perk up shortly, I’ve got salmon for lunch so I am expecting a four-legged delegation in the kitchen later.

Slept with Mel again last night, and actually slept… mostly. I woke for my midnight potty break, but fell right back to sleep, then woke around 4:30 for another. As I was settling down to snooze some more, the alarm on my phone started blaring, giving FCD heart palpitations or something. It was a tornado warning… or watch… I don’t recall which. Anyway, after that I was awake, but at least I’d had something over 6 hours of real sleep. I read some stuff on my tablet for a while before finally getting up at 6.

It’s been pouring pretty steadily and if the Weather Channel is to be believed, we’ll see sun around noon. I hope Higgs can hold it that long - I threw her out the garage door as usual, and within seconds, she was at the dining room door wanting in. Needless to say, I won’t be walking this morning, but once it stops, I’m going to try to get out there.

I’ll be doing something with chicken for supper, but I have all day to figure it out. And today is Roxy wrangling day - daughter has some on-line meetings and SIL works today. How shall I entertain the toddler??? Hmmmm… She loves going into our bedroom so maybe I’ll let her come in there while I do some tidying? We shall see.

Happy Tuesday!

Happy Toosday!

Home from the park.
It is pouring rain, and 70 degrees outside. Supposed to get into the low 80s. It felt a bit chilly when the breeze kicked up, I wish I had put on a hoody.
I’m glad to be home and changed into warm dry clothes.
I think this mess is supposed to stop around 3 or 4.

When I got up this morning I had to throw a pair of shorts into the dryer as they were still damp. Don’t know why I bothered.

Glad the kitties are doing well together OW

I’ve always just dropped any new animal into the mix, never separated them, never knew you were supposed to.

My dogs are wired this morning. They didn’t want to play in the rain, so now they are running all over the house annoying the cat.

Not much going on today, a little laundry, a little cleaning, some irking.

Morning all. No rain here (40% chance this evening), but it is a bit cooler (78F but only getting to 85F) than normal, which I won’t object to. Some household chores need to be done, and who knows, they might actually get done.

Everyone have a good morning now.

I wanna share this story, because why not, captive audience an’ all! :smiley:

My hampers are canvas dealies on a foldable frame - one white, one black, presumably so Dutiful Housewives can sort by color. The white one is showing its age - it has dingy yellow stains all over.

But I just use it for dirties - clean stuff goes into a plastic basket for sorting/folding.

A few weeks ago, I went with my dingy-grubby white canvas hamper plus sufficient quarters for one (1) load of laundry. I had no other money; it had all been spent on food or rent or some such nonsense.
I loaded the most important dirties (masks! socks! work shirts!) but not wanting to overload the machine, stuffed the rest back into my hamper.

The elderly iron-fisted lady came over, tut-tutting at how yucky looking my hamper appeared. I’ll be honest, I was annoyed at first (“bitch sticking her nose in my bidness, bein’ all judgey!”) but I pointed out that it held only dirties, that I had 3 quarters left for the dryer, and that the remainder would simply have to wait till later.

This. Would. Not. Do.

Apparently laundromat attendants can magically start a few machines, or she’d rigged them, or who knows.
She pointed out a specific machine to me, indicating that I must wash the grubby hamper. Who am I to argue?

It didn’t look a whole lot better, but it sure smelled cleaner.

TL:DR the stern grandma who normally supervises my local laundromat made me wash a load for free.

We’ve had at least 4 power burps this morning - I should have had a UPS for this computer. I think I’ll order one for me and a couple for FCD’s office.

Lots of branches in the yard, and it looks like the tree on the side has fallen. There’s also one in the back that had been leaning on some other trees - well, it’s leaning lots farther on some other trees - I expect it’ll be down soon. Taking advantage of the cool, I’ve opened some windows. I’ll have to close up again in a couple of hours, but for now, it’s nice!

Still raining, tho, and a bit breezy.

Happy Tuesday! (Whaddyamean it’s only Tuesday? It already feels like Sunday was a week ago.) 77 and cloudy, heat index 78, predicted high of 80 with an 80% chance of rain. Still have a tropical storm warning UFN, to which have been added a tornado watch until 1600 and a coastal flood warning starting at 1000 and running until 0200 tomorrow. Nothing outside to indicate that it rained during the night, and weather-dot-gov’s radar map has everything well to the west and north of us.

I don’t feel at all deprived by having this storm bypass us. Irene (2011) scattered some tree branches around the yard, and Sandy (2012) dropped the neighbours’ willow onto my car; that’s the closest I’ve been to a hurricane and I have no desire to get any closer.

No plans for the day that I can think of except for a trip to the pharmacy to pick up some meds.

Either that, or pretty soon all of them will want one, too! :smiley:

It’s amazing how the cats don’t even notice the clown collar. It’s basically a tube and you thread their regular breakaway collar through it. Their tag and bell hangs out through the opening. I would have expected much thrashing and twisting and rubbing on the carpet, but nothing-- no reaction at all. I got much more of a reaction when EC was a kitten, and I first tried to put any collar on her! Holy hell-- I thought she would never accept one. She did lose a lot of them in the beginning, but I was persistent, and now she can go for many months without losing one.

A rule in my household is that cats do not go outside without a collar and tag on. I buy collars by the dozen from amazon (they’re really cheap) and also tags with my name, phone number, “Has microchip,” and “Reward.” I fix up the collars with tags ready to wear and keep them on a hanger in the kitchen. As soon as a cat comes inside without her collar, a new one goes on immediately. Often the lost collar will turn up eventually, either out in my yard somewhere or a neighbor will find and return. When I only have a couple of raggedy ones left, I lay in a new stockpile.

Can’t have nekkid cats running around the hood in front of God 'n everbody.

Kitty Chronicles du jour:

All was quiet last night. When I first went up to the bedroom, I turned on the AC and closed the door most of the way, leaving enough of a gap that kitties can come and go to their litterboxes and other nighttime festivities. Phoenix is used to this but apparently Twister hadn’t figured it out yet. So, Twister laid on the hall side of the door, Phoenix laid on the bedroom side, and they batted paws back & forth a few times and talked under the door.

Eventually, Twister figured it out and came in. Phoenix was in her usual spot on my bed, Twister switched around from the windowsill to the cedar chest to the floor. I don’t think she dares to lay in Phoenix’s spot on the bed – yet.

When I got up to the use the bathroom around 3:00 a.m., Twister came running first, followed closely by Phoenix, and they both sat and supervised, then escorted me back to bed.

Question for cat owners – is it common for both cats to use one litterbox? That’s clearly what they’re doing even though there’s a second, very clean one in the next room. Is it their way of bonding?

And yes, I know the rule about pictures. I’ve been trying to get some good ones but they keep moving!

Our two – previously three – cats all use the same litterbox, but I don’t think we’ve ever offered them a choice.

At one time I had three cats and two litter boxes. But all three of them used only one of the boxes. One day I noticed a bunch of little weevil-like creatures on the bathroom counters. I didn’t think much of it as various plagues come and go throughout the year, depending on the weather. But these just kept increasing. So I looked in the alcove where the unused litter box had sat with clean litter still in it, unused for months. It was hopping with the teeny bugs. My litter of choice was The World’s Best Cat Litter (and in 40 years of scooping, I’ve never found a better one!), but it’s made from corn. So months of sitting unused in a dark-ish closet apparently was a good incubator for teeny-bug larvae to grow into visible bugs. Lesson learned there.

Now BOTH cats go outside to take care of bidness! Yay! I do keep one small litter box by the back door just in case and someone uses it about once a month for emergencies.

Litter Liberation! It’s the freedom you never knew you needed!

Rain has stopped. I’m hearing sirens. The Town of Leonardtown FB page has several pics of flooding and announcements of closed roads. So we won’t be going anywhere for a while.

I posted a pic of the downed dead tree on my FB page. And I just got a robocall from the county emergency services saying STAY HOME!! Much floodage all over the county. So no WalMart for me.

The rain has stopped and they sun is shining. I don’t know it it will stay that way or not. As far as I know, no flooding around here.
My neighbor asked if I can take him to the ER, so I’ll be doing that as soon as I’m off irk.

He says he will take a lyft to come home, but if he gets out before I have to go to irk, I’ll go get him.
I don’t even know where the emergency room is, guess I’ll find out today.

I looked up artichoke paint, it looks like it would irk. Then I saw mossy cavern, and thought that looked like it would irk too. Too many choices, it can drive one crazy. My rooms aren’t big, and all the wood makes it kind of dark already, so I’d rather stick to lighter colors.

Howdy all. Sloth today irk tomorrow. I already slept half the day.

Just back from a walk around the neighborhood - I posted pics on FB if anyone is interested. The sun has been popping in and out and the temp is rising.

Time to chill for a bit.

Finished up the broccoli & beef over a baked potato. Delish! (I threw in some frozen broccoli florets when reheating, as the originals had become one with the sauce.) Gonna make that again.