Battlestar Galactica: The Next Generation?

I heard rumors that Fox is reviving the BG in a new series
sometime in 2002

(Forget about Galactica:1980…it never happened).

Anybody interested?

I’ve been dreaming of something like this for a long time. I imagined a Major Motion Picture, however. I wonder if the Cylons will still have smoothe forheads?

Thank God.

DaLovin’ Dj

I’ve been waiting for such news ever since I went into a toy store in 1999 and saw the new BG action figures. I was like “Yeah, new BG is coming!” It must have been in development for a long time.

Well, considering that Star Trek: Phase Two (sic) began pre-production in like 1976, then had its set designs and some of its characters shanghaied by Star Trek: The Motion Picture, then got morphed into Star Trek: The Next Generation 11 years later …

I wouldn’t want to start holding my breath.


Actually, doesn’t Thatch (IIRC) have a trailer he shows at scifi conventions? Anybody know if there’s a copy somewhere out there on the web?

Damn e’s. Never goin’ where I tell them too. Take the e from smoothe and give it to forhead, it needs it.

Hatch. Richard Hatch. Yes, he does.

Info about the proposed seris can be found at the Battlestar Galactica Fan Club

This may be old news to y’all, but to continue the ST/BG parallelism, Richard Hatch has also published a BG novel (note I don’t actually assume he wrote the thing :)).

Anything Shatner can do,
I can do better
I can do an-y-thing
Better than him.

It’s called Battlestar Galactica: Resurrection and I’d link to it but I have crappy luck trying to link to pages at Amazon.

I recall watching a SciFi Channel special on BG which showed a bit of his trailer. Followed by a talking head from FOX saying something like “yes it’s lovely, but we can’t figure out why he spent so much of his own money on this thing because he doesn’t own the rights and he’s not going to any time soon.”

Heh. Go to and scroll about halfway down to see yours truly with Apollo himself.

BTW, the trailer for his vision of BG was pretty interesting, but in the end the chances for it getting made were realistically nil. He didn’t own the rights.

From what I understand Hatch and Larson were both trying to revive Galactica but Universal owns the rights and they want nothing to do with it. Probably for the best, that show was very seventies and deserves to stay there.

(bolding mine)

and, of course, a link to the Battlestar Galactica Revival petition to save it:
and another quote from the site (bolding mine):

From today’s IMDb Celebrity News (that shortcut will stop working when tomorrow’s comes out):

Oh, be nice. While Battlestar Galactica was obviously designed to cash in on the popularity of Star Wars, it had a lot of good stuff going for it – big chunks of creativity, a workable premise, decent characters, cool villians, and no bell-bottoms in sight. :slight_smile:

There’s lots of stuff to be mined in the Galactica vein, and I’d like to see a modern remake/continuation do so.

The odds seem to be about 50-50 as to if the show gets going or not. Here is the link.

Believe me I am being nice. Space the Canadian equivilent of teh Sci Fi Channel has been airing this show every saturday (Actually both seasons but Galactica 1980 has been renamed Battlestar Galactica) And after watching the entire run three timesI give up. The premise is not bad but then it fails.
1)For a race who “Hate humans with every fibre of their being” It makes no sense they allowed Baltar to run a good portion of their fleet.

  1. The three dimensinality and vastness of space is ignored for lame assed plots. Lets face it in the second episode they have to worry about mines. (How many were there that they couldn’t fly around?!)

3)Every solution for their problems involved them blowing something up. And the democratic politicians were allways made to look like fools.

  1. the same effects used over and over again. I understand it is expensive and so effects have to be reused but how many times in a single episode are we going to watch that same Cylon ship blow up over the Galactica?!

  2. The two dimensional characters. Not one came close to actually appearing to be real.

  3. The 70s!!! I hate the Seventies, the Dry look the goofy digital watches that are supposed to look futuristic. The PET computers that run the ship, the spacey disco music, the astrology references and stupid constelation names.

On the plus side I liked the Cylon Synth voices.