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I’m searching for a word that could be used to name the theme or idea of moving toward a family connection.

Not immigration so much as the ordinary reasons so many people move to be closer to family, like when a spouse dies and the survivor goes to live with an adult child. Or when children move to live with a relative who might give them a better life or who lives in a better school district or neighborhood.

Any ideas?


Kind of, but I’m really looking for a word that describes movement for those reasons, rather than just a name for the reasons themselves.

Does that make sense?

Sounds a bit ‘apron string’ affect, perhaps, maybe?

kin selection, nepotism, endogamy

Heritage? Ancestry? Genealogical?

Apron strings, kin selection, both really good.

I wonder if there’s a way to make it sound like a really positive thing…like…your mom and your grandparents and your cousins live with you? That’s weird, why?

Well, because in my culture that’s how it works. Families stick together and sometimes even live in the same house. We call this…

community spirit, familial cohesion ?


Intergenerational or multigenerational something… cohabitation, cohesion…that clotting answer got me stuck on the c words!

Intergenerational Supportive Living/Housing.

It’s long, it’s wordy, it says nothing unless you know what it is to begin with. I like it.

You could try a made-up word like familocation.

how about the simple “family ties”?

Isn’t that the extremely gross horror film by Six where a mad German surgeon grafts three people to a copy of Roget’s?

So far this one is my favorite. It hadn’t occurred to me that I could make up a word :smiley:

The Spanish legal term is reunificación familiar, “rejoining family”. As one of the possible vias for immigration, it covers anything from bringing in your spouse-to-be to the three kids you left with Grandma while you tested the European waters. It’s now joined the general vocabulary to involve things like parents moving in with their children (as opposed to the children “moving back home”).


(Sounded better in my head.)


Perfect. I think this is the winner. Thanks to all for your help!