I hope that some of the WoW kids will see this too, cause y’all know pretty much my strenghths and weaknesses with THAT game, but I saw that Harmonix is releasing 45 Beatles’ tunes for Rock Band in September, and until now, I haven’t been much interested in the game, but hell, this is The Beatles, fer cryin’ out loud!
Last year my wife and I bought an XBox 360 (the 60 GB one) for our grandson to play when he comes to visit, and I’ve been toying with the idea of getting the game for MYSELF.
Thing is, I don’t know the logistics of the game (how to actually play it, I mean).
I know one needs a guitar, and one presses buttons to get a score, but beyond that, I’m clueless. (Well more clueless than usual! :D)
So I went online to see if there’s a demo (not just screen-shots) of the game actually being played, but couldn’t find anything except a “trailer” from Game Spot, and that didn’t tell me much.
This game excites me as well, because it apparently has a “vocal trainer”. Is that what I think it is - one sings into a microphone and the game scores one’s efforts at being on-key and such?
So, can anyone link me to a site that would teach me how the game is played before I actually buy it?
Oh, and BTW, the graphics I saw totally rock, man!
If I could learn this game, I’d be happy as a pig in shit, for sure.
So anyway, thanks for your help!