Seriously, these girls don’t even look real anymore!
Am I the only one surprised that men are in charge of these “contestants”? I expected little girls to be involved. That would actually be cute. This is just…weird.
Seriously, these girls don’t even look real anymore!
Am I the only one surprised that men are in charge of these “contestants”? I expected little girls to be involved. That would actually be cute. This is just…weird.
Seems that objectification works!
Life in plastic–it’s fantastic!
What a wonderful world…
Am I the only one a little weirded out by the fact that it’s men in charge of this contest?
Apparently not.
Am I the only one weirded out that this contest even exists?
And yet I’m sure any one of these Barbies could handle the Q&A portion of the contest better than a [del]non-plastic[/del] live contestant.
I don’t know, one of 'em is a Moron.
Well, I figured they’d be gay men (er, not to stereotype). I mean, aren’t there a lot of gay men involved in the non-doll beauty pageant world?
It’s not that there aren’t grown women out there who are insane about their Barbie dolls, it’s just that it takes a man to actually be competitive about it . . .
All I see is a bunch of freaky grown men playing with Barbies.
Why don’t they rename the contest to the Mr. Barbie Doll Obsessed Gay Venezuelan competition?
I’m not really surprised. The stereotype is that most designers are gay. And it wouldn’t surprise me if a lot of them started on dolls.
Also, the people on Project Runway had to design for Barbie at least once.
They should’a laid off the Botox. Too late now . . .
They have to be gay. If they were straight, the dolls would be in short skirts, or nude and anatomically correct.
Or inflatable.
And they’d be married to them.
… and the weird comes full circle …